Example sentences of "a formative influence " in BNC.

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1 ‘ To my revered father , whose massive intellect has been a formative influence from my tenderest years , I leave , will and bequeath … ‘
2 There is no straightforward coherence in this literature except in the use of the phrase ‘ sociology of knowledge ’ and in the reference to Mannheim 's work as a formative influence .
3 The schools springing up all over France in the twelfth century probably had a formative influence on the administrators , though this can rarely be proved .
4 Intellectuals claimed a formative influence in the second too : John of Marmoutier declared that monks from his own monastery had read Vegetius ' De Re Militari to Geoffrey le Bel when he was investing the castle of a rebellious castellan , and ascribed his success to their advice on firebombs .
5 Although destroyed in 1789 , the French crosses bore figures of kings , just as the Eleanor crosses contained a figure of the queen , and the Montjoies of St Louis must have been a formative influence on Edward 's decision to act as he did .
6 On the other hand , it is necessary to appreciate in the US , for example , those instances where State law has been applied and those where Federal law has exerted a formative influence .
7 His parents ' religious conviction and corresponding belief in the virtue of hard work clearly had a formative influence , but it is notable how much significance is attributed to more formal education , especially learning through books .
8 It would be unfair not to recall that they did , in the long term , have a formative influence on the social history of the United Kingdom .
9 International politics had come to be a formative influence on the thinking of the British labour movement .
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