Example sentences of "a handicapped child " in BNC.

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1 Four years with a handicapped child have taught me a lot of things , but three in particular :
2 ‘ Third , and most important , there are parents who are not able to cope with a handicapped child themselves .
3 It 's very common for a women to be depressed after giving birth : if on top of that the parent 's hopes are dashed , and life seems desperately fraught because they have a handicapped child , it 's absolute hell . ’
4 The answer is simple ; there need be no judge and no moral dilemma if parents and doctors accept that they have no more right to end the life of a handicapped child than they do for any child which enters this world .
5 In this sense , the play focussed on one of the key issues concerning mental handicap ; whether , if faced with life with a handicapped child , parents will be able to accept it and cope .
6 If you do n't mind older children , or a family ( adoption agencies like to keep brothers and sisters together if possible ) or a handicapped child , then there is no barrier to you .
7 People who are scared of getting cancer , or being involved in a car crash , or having a handicapped child , should be wary ; their fears and imagining are a magnet for such an event .
8 Identifying the educational needs of a handicapped child falls within the province of an experienced teacher .
9 Philippa Russell draws attention , however , to the higher-than-average need for supportive services which families with a handicapped child have .
10 Baldwin 's ( 1985 , p. 142 ) work on bringing up handicapped children indicates that grandparents often buy necessities such as food and clothing , and this can be vital to the finances of a household where having a handicapped child creates additional expense .
11 If integration at school age and afterwards is to be a real possibility a family with a handicapped child needs to be involved in the community , making friends and developing natural support systems from the beginning .
12 You may have a handicapped child who has special needs who er has a requirement for extra resources , you should think of that .
13 To have a handicapped child in a society which has developed a fetishism for normality and which fails to even acknowledge the needs of these parents , let alone make any provision to meet them , is clearly a profoundly disturbing experience .
14 Moreover , the family may feel very guilty at having produced a handicapped child , over-anxious about the child 's future , worried about their feelings towards the child or the effect on other children in the family .
15 That we can not cope with another child , that we are not ready for parenthood , that we can not face raising a child without a partner , that we can not afford a child , that our method of birth control failed , that we are the victims of rape , that we can not bear the anguish of carrying a child to term and giving it up for adoption , that we can not accept the responsibility of caring for a handicapped child — these are the reasons why we seek abortion in the vast majority of cases .
16 At the 1985 Women 's Hearings on Reproductive Technology at the European Parliament , Theresia Degener recognised the difficulty , saying ’ fear of the birth of a handicapped child is all too justified because for mothers it usually means isolation and discrimination , giving up their jobs and/or poverty …
17 Dawn 's dog dying , now this Labrador who means so much to a handicapped child .
18 Then , pointing to the Labrador , who had already arrived , Sophie said , ‘ She 's ten years old and the pet of a handicapped child . ’
19 She 's only been with me a week , and I think that a handicapped child 's need is greater than mine . ’
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