Example sentences of "quite [art] long period " in BNC.

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1 Once upon a time , there was waking , which was slow and painful , and then quite a long period , replete with chances and triumphs and defeats and risks , which sometimes , though not always , ended in lunch .
2 The rehabilitation process may take quite a long period of time and will involve giving the patient enough support to boost his confidence and promote independence .
3 Research on visual memory , moreover , shows that recognition of pictures , after one quite short exposure , is normally very high over quite a long period .
4 With press media , it is possible to spread the same money over a much longer period , especially if monthly magazines are used , since monthlies accumulate their readership of as many as 10 or 11 readers per copy over quite a long period .
5 for quite a long period , was n't it ?
6 Incontrovertibly , therefore , Johnson had embraced Jacobitism to some degree of sympathy at some stage , and perhaps even quite vehemently , and perhaps for quite a long period of his life — but , as with the formation of many political tastes and stances , the dalliance owed as much to what he disliked ( the Hanoverian kings ) as to what he espoused and idealised .
7 Er I was chairman of that committee as well , View when , when , during quite a long period , until the whole system was changed to the council system like and went onto er and er there was one of our , our er officer who was in charge of welfare was a Mr who had a great knowledge of both Selkirk and Galashiels and the country and er he was known by everybody .
8 Chairman the St Albans traffic issue , the erm bus for quite a long period of time but throughout that period of time Chairman the County Council 's decision has been absolutely clear .
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