Example sentences of "quite apart from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some healers ( especially acupuncturists ) are even able to smell the aura — and this is quite apart from a person 's usual body odour .
2 Value properties , for me , are really there in the world quite apart from a valuer 's responses to it , but have a necessary effect on the will of him who knows of them .
3 Eighty years does n't seem a very long time when you consider the art of acting has been prospering in Europe over the last four hundred or so years , quite apart from the great traditions of ancient Greek drama .
4 Not that the eighties were without their problems : quite apart from the industrial recession of the early years , which affected all Railfreight 's bulk traffics to some degree or other , there was the historic miners ' strike of 1984–5 , taking heavy toll of steel as well as coal carryings .
5 Quite apart from the facts , however , his Lordship found the greatest difficulty in seeing that the claim was made out in law .
6 Quite apart from the destabilising effects of such a precedent on ( say ) Yugoslavia , and the echoes of the Anschluss and Sudetenland issues of 50 years ago , the creation of a large , united Germany would make consensus-building far more difficult inside the European Community , and reinforce the hand of the security lobby in the USSR .
7 Quite apart from the political fallout , there is the nagging worry that the economy may already be on the brink of recession .
8 Quite apart from the blunder there was one moment near the end of the game when he was walking around on the stage of Sadler 's Wells , unaware for a few minutes that it was his move .
9 Quite apart from the other benefits of club membership , inland clubs often have the only access to local water , while coastal clubs might have the best launching facilities in an area .
10 Thus the endeavour to replace as much as possible of institutional with community care is a Sisyphean labour , which encounters the maximum obstacles , financial and organisational , quite apart from the fact that the responsibility for developing community care is fragmented and isolated through residing , in large part , with local health authorities and thus falling within a different system of finance and budgeting .
11 But there are revealing similarities between the two explanations , quite apart from the tact that in both cases the ‘ authority ’ on homosexuality is an avowed heterosexual male , and one cited anonymously at that .
12 Quite apart from the violence , the girls told me it was difficult to be friendly with white girls .
13 Quite apart from the problem of the factual reliability of old books ( is it so , for example , that there really are such eidoli and angeli as Williams , Abelard , Pseudo-Dionysus and Plato believed ? ) , we meet , much earlier , the simple difficulty of adjusting to old meanings .
14 Quite apart from the fact that every £1.00 you give us by covenant is worth £1.33 your contributions mean we can rely on a regular income .
15 Quite apart from the intellectual and educational differences , they did not even share the same hobbies .
16 The president of the European Commission , Mr Jacques Delors , said yesterday that , quite apart from the issues of democratic accountability raised by European economic and monetary union , the role of the European Parliament should be extended .
17 Quite apart from the daytime work in the garden in the late months of the year , the pleasant chore of browsing through catalogues and choosing seeds for next year 's display is much enjoyed .
18 Quite apart from the habit of medieval monarchs of using a restricted number of names ( e.g. , Edward in England or Alfonso in Spain ) , it was not unusual for ‘ posthumous ’ coinages to be made in the name of a previous king .
19 Quite apart from the money he eventually made , he had a new argument to use in the continual discussions among traders about the justice and Koranic authority of the government 's policy toward commerce .
20 Quite apart from the obvious expression of kinetic energy in the mechanics and electronics of contemporary kinetic arts , static forms of painting , sculpture and architecture can freeze kinetic energy during the process of their creation .
21 Quite apart from the adverse opinion polls , they were conscious that Britain was in the midst of its second deep recession in little more than a decade .
22 Quite apart from the constitutional issues , they do not want to take risks with what is being achieved in the ERM .
23 In some countries , at certain times , the consensus has been anti-inflationary : this has generally been the case in Germany , although the ‘ independent ’ Bundesbank has not prevented inflation being above 5% in eight of the last 20 years , quite apart from the monetary difficulties of German Monetary Union .
24 Moreover , Le Pen 's party , despite a professed desire to rejuvenate French politics , has done more to make it absurd than any other , quite apart from the base populist ideas which it propagates .
25 Quite apart from the work which went into recording on the main islands of the Outer Hebrides , a great deal of effort also went into visiting the less accessible islands and outliers .
26 Quite apart from the publicity such incidents provided , they also tied up a lot of ships and manpower .
27 This seems to be the way Rawls treats the problem ( though he is sensitive to fallibility concerning applied principles ( see pp. 195–7 ) But quite apart from the fact that by this one assumes that in the original position the parties discount a general fact of human nature , namely its fallibility , this procedure will sanction non-adaptable constitutions — a highly counter-intuitive conclusion .
28 Quite apart from the fact that Hopper 's movie was eventually virtually sabotaged by the studio ( or himself , depending on which side you were on ) , director Bob Rafelson had a good script which would without question consolidate Nicholson as the finest exponent of counter-culture appeal available anywhere in America in that year .
29 Quite apart from the question of the right of return , or even the strong feelings which this issue engenders , there are compelling physical and economic reasons for at least a partial return .
30 Quite apart from the injustice of adopting one policy for the public sector and another for the private , such tactics have often proved counterproductive and created more battles and delays , ultimately making sites more difficult to sell .
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