Example sentences of "when [art] child [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I felt I was n't appreciate anymore and was suffering from the normal jealousies that a father has when the child monopolizes the mother 's attention .
2 At the time when the child begins to learn how to speak , care is taken by the mother to teach the child correct manner of speech and to acquaint him with all important names in the family , past and present .
3 You should keep a register of when the child comes to you together with basic information like his date of birth , doctor 's name and phone number .
4 That is a sure way to develop an adult with a strongly manipulative personality , which can arouse devastatingly negative reactions in the lives of others when the child comes of age .
5 You should phase out the use of artificial reinforcers ( tokens or points ) when the child has learned a skill well , or when persistent problematic behaviour has been rectified .
6 To consider that matter at a point of time when the child has been placed under protection for several weeks , first by a place of safety order and then by one or more interim care orders , would , as pointed out by Bush J. in M. v. Westminster City Council [ 1985 ] F.L.R. 325 , 340 , defeat the purpose of Parliament .
7 Uses in childcare ; its mainly medicinal role includes : bathing cuts and grazes ; dabbing calamine lotion on heat spots ; stopping up the ears when the child has earache ; but also stuffing the toes of new shoes which are bought , deliberately , slightly too large ( lower socio-economic groups ) .
8 The first inkling Amanda had of Cherie 's problem was when the child tried to snatch cigarettes whenever her parents lit up .
9 Even today , when a child cries at night , he is taken outside and shown the stars .
10 This gave her an opportunity to work in Bradford and she extended her interest and investigations into the period of time between 11 and 14 , when a child becomes a woman .
11 One of the great difficulties a teacher has is to recognise a good drawing or painting from a bad one — or to know when a child has achieved through his effort a simple personal expression .
12 He laughed , a high-pitched little squeak of a laugh , like people do when a child makes a cute mistake .
13 He had been investigated in 1983 when a child complained that the trained social worker had sexually assaulted him .
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