Example sentences of "responsible for [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Plaintiffs must prove that the words of which they complain have a defamatory meaning , that the words refer to them , and that the defendant was responsible for publishing them .
2 Who is responsible for calculating them ?
3 Chief executive Alan Smith said : ‘ Board members are right behind the team and the people responsible for picking it . ’
4 It is named after Sethos ' successor , Ramesses II ( who was mainly responsible for building it ) , " the House of Ramesses " , " Raamses " ( 1:11 ) .
5 They are also responsible for helping you with your development and for appraising your performance , see APPRAISAL AND PERFORMANCE MONITORING .
6 Garvin himself , before he became Commandant , had been responsible for training them .
7 Except , significantly , the caterpillar responsible for drugging it .
8 Mr Thomson also felt undermined because ‘ untoward occurrences ’ , including allegations of staff threatening residents , were not being relayed to him for up to three weeks , even though he was legally responsible for reporting them to the county council .
9 Despite conflicting statements from Tehran and press conjecture centring on Libya , it was never clear who was responsible for laying them .
10 It does not seem ever to have been satisfactorily answered why the two first operational atomic bombs were used — against the strongly voiced wishes of the leading physicists responsible for developing them — to destroy two cities instead of being deployed in the equivalent of spectacularly shooting out candles .
11 It was now painfully obvious to him that he was dealing with a very fragile mental state , and he did n't want to be responsible for setting it off balance irreparably .
12 my teacher knows the truth , and is responsible for telling it to me clearly ,
13 It must be affordable to those who are responsible for financing it ( for example , the government or the local people ) .
14 The other was the search in living tissues for the carriers or agents which determined these properties , i.e. the genes responsible for producing them in successive generations .
15 Loper is following up recent research by several scientists , particularly H. Weber and colleagues of the Institute of Toxicology in Zurich , Switzerland and John Brooker at the University of Adelaide , Australia : Weber found that dogs fed massive doses of one type of dioxin , TCDD , detoxified the chemical with the liver enzyme , cytochrome p 450 mon-oxygenase , and Brooker used chick embryos as a source of the enzyme to track down the messenger RNA responsible for producing it .
16 Remembering just in time that this heartless cynic was responsible for getting her out of the clutches of the Gibraltar Police and Customs Service , Polly managed to bite back the caustic retort trembling on the tip of her tongue and stared blankly at the vast selection of starters and main courses .
17 ‘ This is ludicrous because we are responsible for getting them out of any real trouble , should it arise .
18 Kelburne , winners of the title for the past three years are always at their best when forced into a tight corner and so on this occasion Magee was the man responsible for getting them out of jail .
19 As he had been delirious on arrival , the authorities , knowing that his landlady , Mrs Avery , had been responsible for getting him into hospital , simply put down her name as next-of-kin .
20 Uncle was really responsible for getting it organised — sponsorship and so forth .
21 ‘ A big thing ; Edwin was largely responsible for getting it off the ground .
22 Yet he is required to hand over his children 's future to the ‘ non-ideological ’ market forces he thinks are largely responsible for getting us all into this mess in the first place .
23 Tech Sergeant was a Supply Sergeant and he was responsible for getting us spark plugs and other spare parts .
24 Whatever their differences , could Huy hold himself responsible for sending him to such an end ?
25 It is possible that he contributed to early issues of the newsbook , but there is no evidence that he was responsible for editing it , and nothing in his future career or conduct to link him directly with the Levellers .
26 They could easily be moulded into standard forms and stamped with denominations and the names of the authorities responsible for issuing them .
27 Could you please ask your colleagues , friends and class members and jot down what is known about how Medau started in SCOTLAND , the people responsible for promoting it there , dates ( as far as can be remembered ) , plus any unique events/human interest anecdotes from the last 40 years .
28 How can the council tax be easy to collect if the people who are responsible for collecting it simply do not know how much they must collect from each household ?
29 Many businessmen fear that , while Peking may stick to its open door and reform policy in name , officials responsible for implementing it in the southern provinces may lose their jobs as hardliners attempt to tighten their political grip .
30 She said the company did not own the land at the rear of the shops and was not therefore responsible for maintaining it , but added : ‘ As a gesture of goodwill , we will organise to have the rubbish cleared . ’
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