Example sentences of "realise that in [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Folly realised that in her eagerness not to miss the sights she had ended up nestling right up against Luke Hunter 's arm .
2 She realised that in his own way he was being considerate , for by refusing to talk she was laying herself open to torture .
3 He realised that in his discussions with Ranulf he had not mentioned old Martha 's death .
4 Furious , she glared at her half-empty wine glass , realising that in her abstracted mood she 'd drunk far more than she normally allowed herself to drink .
5 People do n't realise that in its own funny way , it 's pop art . ’
6 It must be very hard for those fresh-faced New Georgians to realise that in their wake comes first the ruched blind , then the office use , followed by a bevy of Sock Shops , Tie Racks and Knickerboxes .
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