Example sentences of "realise that if [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think we both realise that if we are booted off RCA , it 's back to a bedsit .
2 Whilst we realise that if we belong to a national organisation , there will be some additional cost to individual Institutes .
3 ‘ I realise that if I was to move to South Africa I would be living a completely different existence .
4 As he prepares to defend his reputation as well as what is inaccurately described as his undisputed world heavyweight title here tomorrow night against Riddick Bowe , he says : ‘ I realise that if I do n't win , I 'll be remembered as a bum . ’
5 You realise that if I 'm unsuccessful , they will foreclose and we 'll be paupered . ’
6 Says Bert Wiegman : ‘ The smarter venture capitalists have realised that if they ca n't add value , they wo n't be able to raise new funds from investors .
7 The tenants , on the other hand , had long since realised that if they could n't boil a kettle or breathe and do all the things normal families do without causing condensation dampness , then there must be something wrong with the houses , not with the people who live in them .
8 Our students have realised that if they miss an assessment for just one learning outcome , they wo n't get a module , and will jeopardise their chances of getting the general SVQ .
9 She wondered how she could ever have thought that she loved him , and why she had stayed with him for so long after she 'd realised that if she ever had , she did not love him now .
10 Had n't he realised that if he married a girl she had to eat ?
11 There was something on his mind , anxiety , certainly , anxiety for his family ; perhaps he had realised that if he was to get anything out of Cowley at all he was going to have to be co-operative .
12 To some extent the technology people are to blame for being too optimistic but they realised that if they spelled out the true uncertainty ( even if they knew it ) there would have been no investment at all , In the end the project is abandoned or has become so expensive that it can never be profitable .
13 Before the War , Manager Walter Luff , said : ‘ I realised that if we wanted to have larger and wider cars , it would be necessary to have greater clearances between the tracks and more room at curves ; and when the trackwork was relaid , we took account of this ’ .
14 It is time that players realised that if their club had not given them their chance they would not be internationals .
15 When he realised that if he had company already then , she 'd stay away , Hector made sure that he was alone in the early afternoon .
16 But when she came to the end of them , and stood there trembling , she realised that if he remembered her he would certainly report her to Mr Carson .
17 Subba Row realised that if he banned Border then the Australian Board would be left in no choice but to dismiss their captain .
18 He realised that if he was to be successful he would have to take them at speed .
19 He had long ago realised that if he was going to find any clues to the whereabouts of the Way Out , the location or identity of the Key , there was a good chance he might get some ideas from that type of writing .
20 She was still tingling with pleasure and her cheeks burned when she realised that if he came back he could just take up where he had left off and she would not do a thing to stop him .
21 Leith was about to state , quite forcefully , that she was there to work , not to flirt with every male who chanced his arm , when suddenly she realised that if he knew she had worked for Vasey 's for only a short while then there was a fair chance either someone from Personnel , or Mr Catham , had given him a brief run-down on each employee before he met them .
22 I felt wonderful , and it was at that moment that I realised that if I started taking my athletics seriously , if I started training properly , if I started listening to Ron , then maybe I could do something in the sport .
23 ‘ I realised that if I was going to switch guitars , I wanted something that had some kind of improvement , rather than just being more or less the same .
24 ‘ I realised that if I did n't do something really quickly perhaps I would n't be able to .
25 ‘ I was extremely happy living there and realised that if I was prepared to leave my home to move to America with Roy it must be love . ’
26 Closing her mind to her mother was a survival skill Dorothy had learned many years ago when she realised that if she did n't look after her , no-one else was going to .
27 Sarah realised that if she struck inwards into the undulating tracts of snow-blanketed moorland , she would soon lose her way .
28 I had no intention just then of attempting such a thing , but as I lay awake that night I realised that if it had n't been for Lili I might have felt it necessary to attempt to describe to someone , anyone , what I knew of God and what he had asked of me .
29 But , unfortunately , she soon realised that if it was a nightmare it was a living nightmare .
30 ‘ Some of our major customers were talking about EDI , and we realised that if our competitors were offering the facility and we were n't it would score against us .
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