Example sentences of "involved in [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 If the glider has an unfamiliar type of airbrake or flap , it is vital to check their operation and to understand the system involved in locking them .
2 The difficulties involved in learning it may also discourage the largely amateur choirs which accompany professional orchestras from adding it to their repertoire .
3 Once under way , sections of the workforce were ‘ drawn in ’ and the strike became a liberating experience for many of those involved in organising it .
4 Brown will probably be involved in passing it on to other sites as well as to colleagues at the Morgan Grenfell operation .
5 They locate the various strands in feminist thinking , and show the conceptual problems involved in combining them .
6 The greater cost and effort involved in repairing it probably helps to reduce the risks taken too !
7 The accuracy of so relatively simple a ‘ brain ’ surprised even those involved in building it .
8 From this you can better judge both the potential of the farm and what is involved in bringing it up to that potential .
9 ‘ A lot of companies have in-house reprographics or printing facilities and we aim to get involved in advising them how to use these facilities better through a consultancy service . ’
10 The effort involved in removing it is totally out of proportion with the financial gain anyone could hope to recoup from its sale as scrap metal and firewood .
11 BP Oil senior managers now recognised that those involved in implementing the strategy had to be involved in creating it .
12 Is it only senior management at planning meetings or is it everyone involved in achieving it ?
13 Over and above the skills required to develop effective joint problem-solving groups , however , trainee consultants also need to become aware of what is involved in setting them up .
14 I do realize that there are problems in finding suitable sites and that possibly that costs would be involved in setting them up , but for the reasons I 've outlined we should take the bull by the horns and make an effort to find sites and budget for the costs involved so the benefits can be felt as soon as possible .
15 From McIntosh 's point of view it was not an easy decision to pull out of institutional sector research as he was involved in setting it up in the mid '70s .
16 However , the stress involved in taking him out is purely physical .
17 This may not be easy to prove , as if the precaution is possible it must be taken , even if the risks involved in taking it outweigh the benefits .
18 The word has been interpreted as meaning that the precaution must be taken even if the risk involved in taking it outweighs the benefit ( Boyton v Willment Bros Ltd ( 1971 ) ) .
19 In 1919 a Secret Service committee of senior ministers was established to monitor its development and decide the delicate issues involved in fitting it into its democratic framework .
20 We consider the real challenges to society of having more octogenarians , nonagenarians , and centenarians in its ranks , and ask what is likely to be involved in meeting them .
21 Better tuning of capitation and item of service payment to reflect the work involved in earning them might also improve the performance of primary care .
22 The administrative effort involved in collecting them should be devoted instead to improving enforcement of other taxes , ’ argued a recent International Monetary Fund study .
23 The plaintiff will want an independent assessment of the extent of his disability preferably from a doctor who was not involved in treating him and so will not be influenced by the extent of his recovery to date .
24 Er he he he had been , in verse twenty five , now great multitudes were going along with him , and he turned to them and said to them , and you got there what he tell , what he says , he 's talking about discipleship , and of the importance of following him , and the cost that will be involved in following him , and the responsibility of those who follow him , that they are to be salt within their generation , within their environment .
25 In Francis ' case , a serious breach was involved in keeping him incommunicado , but this was ( to use the trial judge 's expression ) ‘ counterbalanced ’ by the belated granting of access to a solicitor and Francis ' subsequent decision to sign the notes as correct .
26 Cross-examined by William Dunlop , defending , Mr O'Donnell agreed that it was possible one of the men had not become involved in attacking him at the quarry .
27 ‘ They had a range that was selling , but with no one actually involved in planning it ; it was just a question of whatever anyone thought was pretty going in with no production schedules , no set ranges for satisfactory colour matching . ’
28 How many of you are involved in doing it ?
29 Well apparently they count the procedures that are involved in doing it
30 The idea that characters could be interchangeable units raises the question of just what a fictional character is and what is involved in shuttling it between novels .
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