Example sentences of "arise from [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Morrissey 's dissatisfaction may not arise from political constrictions , but from a more profound restlessness at the limits of life .
2 In a subsequent discussion on 23 March , MacArthur advocated an early peace conference despite the problems that would arise from Soviet obstruction .
3 If you act now you can prevent the bitter local disputes in your constituency which will arise from increased aggregates quarrying and haulage over the next twenty years .
4 If you act now you can prevent the bitter local disputes in your constituency which will arise from increased aggregates quarrying and haulage over the next twenty years .
5 If there were no damage to the bones there should be exact correspondence between the numbers of major limb bone elements like humerus and femur and numbers of mandibles and maxillae , and departure from this can arise from preferential damage to or selection against either group .
6 This chapter : ( 1 ) describes how an expert is appointed , either by the parties or by a professional body ( 10.2 ) ; ( 2 ) explains the problems created by the absence of effective appointment machinery independent of the parties ( 10.3 ) ; ( 3 ) shows how an appointment may be invalid ( 10.4 ) ; ( 4 ) provides a list of appointing authorities with figures for some of their rates of appointments ( 10.5 ) ; ( 5 ) outlines procedures for making an application to an appointing authority ( 10.6 ) ; ( 6 ) shows that the court will not help parties obstruct appointments ( 10.7 ) ; ( 7 ) considers the difficulties that can arise from perceived conflicts of interest ( 10.8 ) .
7 And gender relationships may be subject to the problems that can arise from conflicting discourses about femininity or masculinity .
8 To return to the question of how longitude-confined VGP paths can arise from complex behaviour of the dynamo , we propose a simple way to link VGP movements with flux change at the core surface , thereby connecting palaeomagnetic data with intuition gained from secular variation ( SV ) studies .
9 Furthermore , the manual is concerned with matters of design alone and does not address the benefits that might arise from legal changes — because it can not .
10 Trade in goods would arise from broad specialization of the ‘ workshop of the world ’ type , for example exporting manufactures and importing primary goods .
11 This valuable example of a local non-teacher specialist 's advice will show the many different ways in which work can arise from one study focus .
12 They are said to relieve cramp In the forearm which can arise from long periods of practice flying : but here another caution should be observed .
13 Ambiguity can arise from two sources :
14 Complex partial seizures usually arise from the temporal lobe , but up to 30% may arise from other sites , in particular the frontal lobe .
15 Statistical methods of analysing the large amounts of data which can arise from such studies are at present inadequate .
16 Taxable ‘ gains ’ can arise from such policies if more than one death benefit is paid , even where the policy has no investment content and no surrender value , because of the rule dealing with partial surrenders of the rights conferred by a policy .
17 Many topics may arise from such conversations , many happy and formative memories can be rekindled .
18 The interpretative problems which will arise from open-textured concepts such as ‘ public interest , ’ ‘ social value ’ or ‘ rehabilitation purposes ’ are patent .
19 Ambiguity in written English may arise from different words having the same spelling ( homonyms ) or the same word having a number of meanings .
20 We are anxious to ensure consistency in planning policy advice so that conflict does not arise from different interpretations .
21 With labour mobility , inefficiency can arise from fiscal spending in different localities .
22 If a thick layer is used without water force-circulated through it , trouble can soon arise from anaerobic decomposition .
23 In polluted regions of the Northern Hemisphere , seasonal increases in ozone concentration have been observed ; such changes could arise from photochemical reactions , but they could also involve transport from the ozone-rich stratosphere .
24 These difficulties can arise from sexual problems , infertility and pregnancy loss .
25 Equation ( 6 ) above suggests that they could arise from autoregressive behaviour in investors ' target asset holdings .
26 ( 3 ) The replies that you give are not evidence against you in any later criminal trial that may arise from this case .
27 What further activities could arise from this exercise ?
28 This is because ‘ breakdown can arise from unilateral decision .
29 The Chinese word ma might be a loan word , it might be coincidentally the same , or the similarity might arise from another factor .
30 Contemporary concerns with the dangers posed to the rights of individuals by incorrect information are reflected in the laws and institutions set up on national levels to protect individuals against incorrect data and the implications that might arise from any errors .
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