Example sentences of "apart [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He supported the Government , he was loyal , but there too often appeared shades of difference which set him apart as a challenger .
2 All day long she had wondered how he had managed to bamboozle his way into a consultancy , but first the calm , unflappable way he had dealt with Steve and now here , with the devastated relatives , Kathleen had an opportunity to see at first hand the qualities that set him apart as a consultant .
3 The PLO , dominated by Fatah , reaped the fruits while the Patriotic Front fell apart as a result of the undermining effect of the Palestinian right , the enormous surge in PLO power following the Rabat summit of October 1974 and Arafat 's address to the General Assembly of the United Nations the following month .
4 Generally , then , we should perhaps think of settlements being 1–2 kilometres ( ½-1 mile ) apart as the norm .
5 Last year talks with IBM fell apart as the computer behemoth 's own fortunes collapsed .
6 It is as if the Poet were tackling time face to face , confronting , wrestling with time , with his Friend standing apart as the prize in the competition .
7 They have been removed from the bridge because many similar ones have broken apart as the steel rods have corroded .
8 ‘ Her clothes will be ripped apart during a love scene in her raunchiest role , ’ shrieked the Daily Express expectantly .
9 It was probable that with a type of aggravated libel , and a defence that was blatantly bogus and came apart during the trial , they decided to add a nought to the amount of damages . ’
10 The couple live apart during the week now .
11 She gave a quick glance at her watch , put on an hour on the ferry to accommodate the time change , and saw that it had gone six , and that , apart for a stop for petrol and a brief stop in Aachen for a cup of coffee , she had been driving more or less continuously since just after nine that morning .
12 ‘ All I 'm saying is that I think we need to be apart for a while , come down to earth , if you like .
13 She added sagely , ‘ Arnie and I are used to separations , and we know nothing 's going to happen just because we 're apart for a while . ’
14 The name Tabor comes from the mountain mentioned in the Bible where Jesus chose to be apart for a while .
15 ( 3 ) The purposes referred to in subsection ( 2 ) above are : ( a ) the sale or supply to persons taking table meals in the premises of alcoholic liquor supplied in a part of the premises usually set apart for the service of such persons , and supplied for consumption by such a person in that part of the premises as an ancillary to his meal ; and ( b ) the consumption of alcoholic liquor so supplied .
16 ( 3 ) The purposes referred to in subsection ( 2 ) above are : ( a ) the sale or supply to persons taking table meals in the premises of alcoholic liquor supplied in a part of the premises usually set apart for the service of such persons , and supplied for consumption by such a person in that part of the premises as an ancillary to his meal ; and ( b ) the consumption of alcoholic liquor so supplied .
17 ( ii ) [ repealed 1981 c. 23 , Sched. 4. ] ( 2 ) While this section applies to any premises , the effect shall be that for the purposes mentioned in subsection ( 3 ) below there shall be permitted hours in those premises on Sundays , such permitted hours being the period between half-past twelve and half-past two in the afternoon and the period between half-past six and eleven in the evening ( 3 ) The purposes referred to in subsection ( 2 ) above are : ( a ) the sale or supply to persons taking table meals in the premises of alcoholic liquor supplied in a part of the premises usually set apart for the service of such persons , and supplied for consumption by such a person in that part of the premises as an ancillary to his meal ; and ( b ) the consumption of alcoholic liquor so supplied .
18 One road is set apart for the testing of the heating apparatus , etc. , on vehicles .
19 These ceremonies set the Church 's seal on the election , symbolized that the king was God ‘ s choice as well as man 's , and that he was set apart for the work .
20 ( 4 ) The purpose of the subsection is to make it clear that the extension of the permitted hours only applies to the part of the premises set apart for the consumption of main meals by a person having a table meal there .
21 This was not to say that organized and structured prayers for the dead had ceased , for the Roman Rite included plenary intercessions for the living and the dead at every mass ; the annual mass for the departed was on All Souls ' Day , a standard event in the Church 's calendar , set apart for the benefit of souls in purgatory .
22 Look Clare — look what was here ; fil-filthy mean little houses not far enough apart for the wind to blow between them ; derelict factories with slates slipping off them and armies of rats — not a blade of grass in sight .
23 Henry Fielding wrote of the capital in 1751 : " What an immense variety of places has this town and its neighbourhood set apart for the amusement of the lowest order of the people . "
24 No , it sound a good idea if it do n't fall apart nearer the time .
25 I had acquired his confidence , which I believe I still retain , but for a number of reasons which were quasi-political we drifted apart towards the end of his second premiership , and although we have remained on friendly terms , the intimacy has long vanished .
26 Q. Do you approve of a woman having to have a vaginal examination as apart of the routine medical examination to enter Britain ?
27 So really man 's costume changed very little , and in fact , apart of the cut of the jacket , and the type of hat you wore , it carried on right up to the present day .
28 Meanwhile , breaking apart like a toppling chimneystack , its body collapsed and felled another , which threw up an arm as it went down , as if thinking to save itself by grabbing hold of one of its remaining upright companions .
29 his beak prised apart like a pistachio nut
30 A bottle blasts apart like a bomb .
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