Example sentences of "visit to [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Visits to Sakharov by his colleagues from Moscow 's Lebedev Physics Institute are cited as evidence of his ‘ welfare ’ .
2 He also referred to the visits to Mozambique by the Deputy President of the African National Congress , Nelson Mandela , South African President F.W. de Klerk , Namibian Prime Minister Hage Geingob , Swaziland Prime Minister Obed Dlamini , and Chairman of the Lesotho Council of Ministers Justin Lekhanya .
3 He coached abroad on a number of occasions , always refusing any kind of payment , even for his expenses , and his three visits to Harvard between 1896 and 1898 were rewarded by an honorary degree .
4 The then Hungarian Foreign Minister , Gyüla Horn , visited Israel on Jan. 7 , 1990 , ending a 23-year ban on high-level visits to Israel from East European countries .
5 Not only was he engaged in his publishing work , his meetings of the Moot and the Chandos Group , and his visits to Oxford for the Christian News Letter , but also he set himself a punishing schedule of conferences , talks and lectures ; in the first week of January 1941 , for example , there were six full days of such conferences .
6 It is hoped that the professor will play a leading part in creating and maintaining contacts with other departments of Classical Art and Archaeology both in the UK and abroad ; in organising visits to Oxford by overseas scholars ; in forwarding attempts to maintain and revive classical teaching in schools and universities ; and in communicating to a wider public the results and importance of Classical Archaeology .
7 Visits to Keyworth by staff from archaeological units and county planning departments continue to be an important part of the initiative , highlighting the importance of the wide range of datasets held by BGS .
8 This is ironic : apart from three visits to London in 1825 , 1827 and 1828 , Bonington spent his entire adult life in France .
9 After 1917 he undertook diplomatic duties , including a goodwill mission to America and two visits to London in 1918 ; in 1919 he attended the Paris peace conference .
10 Nothing had been done to prettify the site as at Sizewell , on the Suffolk coast , or to produce the pleasantly laid-out grounds of smooth lawn , flowering trees and shrubs which so agreeably impressed him on his periodic visits to Winfrith in Dorset .
11 All one can say with any certainty is that the Pounds ( and probably the Yeatses also ) paid at least two visits to Sicily in these years , and that on at least one occasion — probably on more than one — they stayed there for some weeks , if not months .
12 As dean of Winchester he was an active servant of James I. Between 1616 and 1621 he made repeated visits to Scotland on royal business , accompanying the king in 1617 , and attending the general assembly in Perth ( 1618 ) in support of the king 's ‘ Five Articles ’ of ceremonial reform .
13 US President George Bush on Jan. 11 welcomed the move as " a very sound step " , and cited the announcement as a justification for his policy of maintaining contacts with the Chinese government [ see p. 37122 for visits to China by senior US officials in July and December 1989 ] .
14 The election of Cardinal Wojtyla of Krakow as Pope John Paul II in 1978 and his visits to Poland in 1979 and subsequently emphasised these attachments and strengthened the historic association between the Catholic faith and Polish nationhood .
15 Marcus in London remained secluded , his chief ‘ manifestations ’ being visits to Patrick during which it seemed ( Ludens was sometimes present ) little was said .
16 Visits to Damascus by US Assistant Secretary of State John Kelly on Aug. 9 and Aug. 13 and a telephone call to Assad from Bush on Aug. 12 confirmed the USA 's altered perception of Syria [ see p. 36180 for return of US ambassador in September 1987 after strained relations over Syria 's alleged involvement in international terrorism ] .
17 After his retirement as secretary of the English Association in 1950 he spent four years in India , encouraging the growth of youth hostels in that country , and subsequently paid two extended visits to Africa for the same purpose .
18 During late visits to Stinsford in old age he would often visit the unmarked grave of Louisa Harding
19 Gossage made the photographs on visits to Berlin between 1982 and 1986 .
20 Although I was grateful to Jack Bowdry for the experience , I never tried the sport of skiing again — even during visits to Switzerland in later years .
21 HMS Jupiter pays the last of many visits to Cleveland on Friday .
22 During 1879 and 1880 Alfred Dyer and George Gillet paid several visits to Brussels as representatives of the Society of Friends .
23 Indeed , in recent years has done rather well out of its visits to Brussels by both politicians and officers .
24 The , in the last few months alone , we 've also had visits to Brussels by the General Secretary , the Deputy General Secretary , a number of Regional Secretaries , political officers , training officers and others .
25 For Helen , London meant the leafy calm of Twickenham , where they had lived in early childhood , subsequent rare excursions to the Royal Academy or the Tate and occasional visits to Louise in Camden Town .
26 Aberdeen have lost only twice in 23 visits to Dundee since the introduction of the Premier Division .
27 Following the Paris meeting Baker announced the removal of obstacles to visits to Vietnam by US citizens and the removal of the travel restrictions on Vietnamese diplomats at the UN in New York .
28 The 96-article " Statutes Governing Relations Between People in the Taiwan Region and People in the Mainland Region " opened the way for visits to Taiwan by Chinese communists , and set out regulations for cross-strait marriages , divorces , inheritance and employment of workers from the mainland .
29 The agreement with Carnegie-Mellon was drawn up following visits to Pittsburg by Professor David Weir , Director of the Management Centre , who says , ‘ We are delighted to be accepted as an equal partner by Carnegie-Mellon which is a school of acknowledged research excellence .
30 A VISIT to Sellafield by the Fleetwood branch of the Salvation Army has broken new ground at the site .
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