Example sentences of "prevent i [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was this that had prevented me from resting half a day here or there , from starting late in the morning and from stopping early in the evening .
2 I interviewed him when he became First Sea Lord and on one or two other occasions , and I always slightly regretted that my commitment to current affairs had prevented me from taking up Associated Rediffusion 's offer to spend two years with him , at home and abroad , researching and scripting the thirteen programmes they were planning on his Life and Times — a task subsequently and admirably performed by John Terraine .
3 I have always been an outsider ; my epilepsy has prevented me from taking part in many normal pursuits such as drinking or dancing , and this has encouraged me to be an individualist in art .
4 Natural caution has prevented me from getting anyone into trouble .
5 The book proved very popular but I was left with a nagging regret that my limitations with a camera had prevented me from portraying the district in colour .
6 It did n't take much to persuade her to come and nothing would have prevented me from seeing precisely what it was that had turned my schoolfriend into what the Daily Express called ‘ a phenomena ’ .
7 ‘ I think it 's prevented me from retreating into ultraspecialist activities . ’
8 Yet it has not prevented me from having a very attractive family and being successful in my work .
9 The needs of the course of justice prevent me from elaborating further now .
10 These and other caveats prevent me from giving an unqualified recommendation to this new disc .
11 But my other commitments prevent me from turning up to their committee meetings now so erm I 'm sort of stepping back on to I 'm just on to their mailing list .
12 Pride will prevent me from receiving God 's forgiveness and mercy , and from transmitting it to others .
13 Francis added : ‘ The chairman 's main concern is not wanting me to receive a serious injury which might prevent me from managing properly . ’
14 I wanted to tell her that I had told Syl I would n't marry him , but I did n't , for I felt that once I had told Lili she would somehow prevent me from recanting and that , freed from Syl , I should be bound even tighter to my mother .
15 Which did not prevent me from obtaining very good marks despite not handing in my theory works and the lack of studying before exams .
16 ‘ It 's a sad death , but it will not prevent me from returning to London tomorrow . ’
17 It may be that you think my association with a certain person will prevent me from doing anything about Geoffrey .
18 As I believe that you both did , when you were my age — if you can remember so far back — but I knew you would prevent me from doing so if I told you the truth . ’
19 ‘ How dare you prevent me from making myself really sick , Matthew ? ’ he taunted .
20 ‘ They will also prevent me from selling these pieces for a long time to come ’ , he said .
21 Before this experience , several barriers to worship were present that prevented me from entering fully into the presence of the Father and into the inheritance that Paul expresses so movingly in Ephesians 1 .
22 On the following weekend circumstances prevented me from getting out , but my companions made their way to the site on their own .
23 I did in fact attempt to return your telephone call , but when I rang you were out , and our current panic ( we 're in the throes of mounting our summer exhibition ) prevented me from getting back to you before your letter reached me .
24 ‘ Poverty prevented me from thinking that all is well under the sun and in history , ’ he wrote in 1958 , the year after he received the Nobel Prize .
25 I remember , after one lesson , having a sensation of a collar being around my neck which prevented me from turning my head ( similar to the kind people have to wear after painful neck injuries ) .
26 Thank you for drawing my attention to your proposed exhibition , I did indeed receive your telephone message , but other pressures prevented me from responding to it before you had also handed in your portfolio .
27 But , at that stage , the only thing that prevented me from saying , ‘ oh well , I 'll go and find a regular job instead , ’ was that I was aware that this thing existed — racialism — and that whatever happened , getting away from it , getting out of the firing line , would n't help me .
28 Was n't it plain , common or garden cowardice , not the sturdy self-righteousness I 'd credited myself with , which prevented me from ending the whole business ?
29 It was n't that this dispute between my dad and me about whether there was a God or not really meant anything any more , but rather the fact of the history of the dispute — the reality of its course , not the substance of the original disagreement — was what prevented me from ending it .
30 I thought them extraordinary Performances for a Girl of her Age , and one that had so little Advantage ( or rather none at all ) either from Books or Conversation : But my bad State of Health prevented me from making any further Enquiry concerning this young Genius , till about fourteen Months before her Death , when I was first inform 'd she had wrote a Tragedy .
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