Example sentences of "admit that he be " in BNC.

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1 He said that he did it because everybody wanted him to do it , and he even agreed with me that bits were like Simon and Garfunkel and it sounded like a hundred songs written before , and admitted that he was cashing in on the moon landing but thought he could make some money doing it .
2 In his autobiography Prokofiev admitted that he was ‘ not used to denying himself anything ’ , and he was not about to see a promising career inconvenienced by the Russian Revolution .
3 He was blindfolded for part of the time , which had the effect of making him ‘ look inside of himself ’ and he admitted that he was not ready for the experience and some of the discoveries he made .
4 They walked back towards the lawn in a procession at the pace of Richard 's small strides until he stumbled over a tussock of grass , admitted that he was tired and accepted a ride on the detective 's shoulders .
5 ‘ The morning after he admitted that he was in love with another woman , I lay on our bed as if suspended in space .
6 A 16 year old who spoke at a Young Enterprise presentation admitted that he was not much of a public speaker and that he had become disaffected with school where he had ‘ failed ’ regularly .
7 Coleman had a powerful personality , and Smith admitted that he was also a man of great charm , adding ( on unstated evidence ) that ‘ he had all the cleverness of a woman at turning that advantage to account ’ .
8 He finally admitted that he was simply falling asleep as he walked along .
9 However , Mr Girling admitted that he was disappointed the Chancellor had done nothing to reduce inheritance tax on residential property .
10 One member of the audience made notes of his extemporaneous address , in which he admitted that he was unprepared " for this specific situation or any situation in general " .
11 He was back to his old ways , quiet and undemanding , and he admitted that he was missing her badly .
12 In the case of the wrongful deportation of any asylum seeker , he admitted that he was consulted , but he hides behind the excuse that he did no more than accept civil servants ' advice .
13 US President George Bush on March 17 denied direct US involvement but admitted that he was " uncertain " whether the fire had been an accident or the result of sabotage .
14 A French Basque , Henri Parot , arrested at a routine roadblock outside Seville on April 2 with 300 kg of explosives in his car , admitted that he was the leader of the " itinerant commando " of the Basque separatist organization ETA which had killed at least 33 people in Spain over the past 12 years , including Gen. Victor Lago Roman in Madrid in 1982 [ see p. 32803 ] and the Madrid prosecutor Carmen Tagle on Sept. 12 , 1989 .
15 In an interview with France ( Inter ) radio on Oct. 11 Aoun admitted that he was surrounded on all sides , but claimed to be ready for " the last battle " .
16 Sick also suggested that several people claimed to have seen Bush at the Paris meeting , although he admitted that he was not yet convinced of the veracity of this aspect of the affair .
17 However , in another statement issued on his behalf on May 11 he admitted that he was the father of the child , Peter Murphy , and that he had paid Murphy a lump sum in 1990 taken from the church 's reserve accounts in his former diocese of Galway .
18 He hit out at Wilko for the first time ( ‘ is there a law against me and Gorden Strachen playing in the same team ’ ) and admitted that he was unsure of his future at Leeds but will not ask for a transfer .
19 Sir Peter Holmes , Shell 's chairman who admitted that he was ‘ astonished ’ to discover that the irregularities had occurred through an associate company failing to follow strict rules against speculative dealing , said that he expected any further exposure to be limited to a £65 million charge which the company would take in its accounts for the first quarter of 1993 .
20 He will admit that he is not running just for his own enjoyment , but against himself to see what he can achieve .
21 Oh , how she loved him , her strong and handsome father , not the ogre she had thought and called him over Terry — and to hear him admit that he was wrong !
22 He may still plead not guilty while admitting that he is the person concerned in the alleged offence .
23 Keith Chegwin , admitting that he is an alcoholic .
24 While admitting that he is still ‘ feeling my way ’ , he says , ‘ I 'm glad the diocese is run the way it is and the suffragans have a proper role — you can so easily end up just confirming and licensing . ’
25 Soon their palms became sticky , but the boy did not dare let go of the hand he had so daringly grasped , for that would have meant admitting that he was perspiring and ashamed of it .
26 He did n't mind admitting that he was attracted to Phil Prior , but then he had been attracted to many girls in the past .
27 When he reached the police station , he had second thoughts and turned himself in , admitting that he was probably over the drink-drive limit .
28 A naval officer , discharged in 1991 after publicly admitting that he was homosexual , was reinstated in mid-November .
29 Admitting that he was easy on the eyes was simple artistic honesty .
30 BRITAIN Rugby League international winger Martin Offiah prepared to return home with a serious shoulder injury yesterday , admitting that he was unlikely to play club rugby in Australia again .
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