Example sentences of "wonder if it [be] " in BNC.

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1 Brian Edwards welcomes the designs for a Glasgow city centre tower but wonders if it is the icon the city needs
2 One is forced to ask what OSF had to gain and wonders if it was n't some kind of supralegal manoeuvre to put pressure on Addamax and Sun because they 've got something on the OSF contingent .
3 The idea is highly successful and the company flourishes , but Rachel begins to wonder if it is really possible to tell the future .
4 I know the argument that it is necessary to look as if you are filling the political vacuum — if only with hot air — but I 'm beginning to wonder if it is worthwhile .
5 As he examined the clutter , however , Rostov was inclined to wonder if it was entirely the result of essential additions to survey gear .
6 I agreed with the decision at the time , though since we have n't managed to identify him I 'm beginning to wonder if it was right .
7 We are buying a One Ten County and we were wondering if it is possible to fit central locking using Range Rover parts .
8 This autumn the last of my children is off to university and I 'm wondering if it 's realistic to consider entering the job market , since it 's 29 years since I worked .
9 I 'm just wondering if it 's my teeth or that it 's just my blood that 's doing it .
10 They seem as what women we are getting today er just want social er and yet my own particular guild , I 'm just wondering if it 's the secretaries that we 're , we 're jus it 's the good secretary we need of course really because , er this sounds really awful of me , it sounds a bit big-headed does n't it you know we would , we would say .
11 ‘ Sometimes , yes , but I ca n't help wondering if it 's likely that a young man on the brink of a successful career and maybe planning marriage to another girl would …
12 It could be , or I 'm just wondering if it 's actually squirrels , because although the , the excreta contains berries erm a squirrel will eat berries , it will also eat nuts and of course they do bury their nuts and I 've actually seen squirrels in other parts of the country digging holes and starting a bit of a larder and of course there are a lot of , of erm squirrels in Croydon so I think unless you actually see the animal you can only speculate that it is something small like a vole or , or a squirrel .
13 Might the Mr Chairman I was just wondering if it 's worth just mentioning that the , since the Redhill Airport proposal which does include a privately funded motorway link erm point erm has gone to and has been called in to the determination I believe by the Minister , but er we are sort of pending er holding our horses until that er er is nearer the time is that not perhaps
14 He saw a leg , uncomfortably wedged between sapling trees , swollen grotesquely , and gazed at it , stupidly , wondering if it was plastic .
15 I left the stores man wondering if it was him or me who was mad .
16 For myself , I remember going home after the AGM at which the idea to start the new church was first announced , wondering if it was to involve us in leadership .
17 At the time I was very much in love , one of those adventures which seem of overwhelming importance at the time but , afterwards , leave one wondering if it was n't a kind of sickness .
18 She was wondering if it was true , if he could somehow arrange her release ; doctors had ordered her internment , so surely it was possible for another doctor to end it .
19 Wondering if it was a mistake to have the monkey last night .
20 I have put a wee bit of weight on , so I was wondering if it was maybe
21 Merymose looked around the darkening corners , wondering if it was the girl 's Ka .
22 Shannon held out her hand to both newcomers , wondering if it was simply her imagination that saw a coolly speculative gleam in Marianne 's eyes .
23 In fact she was just checking up on room service , wondering if it was too late to order a plain omelette and salad in her room .
24 ‘ In fact he held me up for so long I 'm now wondering if it was a deliberate act on his part . ’
25 As this exercise in bureaucracy continues many farmers must have been left wondering if it was all worthwhile , or whether we would not be better off without both the subsidies and the problems which surround the common agricultural policy .
26 You know what I think er , th we 've been talking about it round about and I says , you know , they were wondering if it was a bit suspic , I said no , th , they worry to death , there 's our children who speaking like the nig-nogs !
27 I mean obviously it 's good for you as well cos you know er you know w , you know we 'll obviously put are appearing on Pebble Mill blah di blah di blah , er I was wondering if it was possib oh yeah that 's okay mate .
28 She hovered , shifting from foot to foot , wondering if it were fair to wake him up .
29 People will wonder if it is their fault that the person who died in the road traffic accident perhaps was not looking where they were going because of being preoccupied with what was happening just before they left home .
30 This makes me wonder if it is the creative thought that guides the discoverer or whether it is the emotion that is the creative force that impels him to the solution .
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