Example sentences of "one [that] you [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 So they will continue to arise , but I think that it is right to plan to accommodate the ones that you know about .
2 Most of the schemes that are put in here are actually assessed by the area highway engineer and if you 've got particular schemes , especially ones that you know you 've talked about in the past , the best way of dealing with them is to speak to him directly and say , why is n't it in this time ?
3 Now which are the ones that you 've got to group ?
4 That 's that 's the sort of thing cos we 've we 've got erm erm perhaps we could put up some of the I mean the ones that you 've got out in behind your desk at the moment .
5 Clearly you do n't want to know all the syllabus so you 're gon na miss parts out but you 're better off knowing more topics in case some of the questions are difficult on the ones that you 've covered or they 're not on there at all When is the exam ?
6 So once you get towards , take a clock in , make sure you pace yourself , and say at the end of that just put in a sort of sentence to make it look as if it 's been finished off Erm , what I usually do when I do an exam is I spend the first five minutes actually looking at the questions because initially you look for the ones that you 've revised and you see but there may be others there , there 're you can do in a slightly different way than the way that they first appear and that might help you quite a bit , although there are no trick questions in this .
7 And you could use the calculator if you like try it , try it first with the , all the different ones that you 've got out of the factor tree .
8 If you think that this assignment is , is sort of preferable to the ones that you 've been looking , you could all choose this one , you 'll have to do some recording like the others on your own machines , but you could
9 Are yours fairly elaborate ones that you have ?
10 Even these ones that you have n't done in between ?
11 And she 's , she 's quite it 's a kind of cottony , stretchy , you know those ones that you have a V and then they 're quite full , like this is full from there ?
12 Are they going to be the ones you er like and that means the ones , those are the ones that you do well
13 Can you keep the ones that you do n't use ?
14 Is there any ones that you want me to pin point at all or
15 I think the biggest problem is these extended guarantees and the ones that you pay that little bit extra for , thinking you 've got extra cover that you would n't normally have .
16 Make a list of them and tick off the ones that you see during spring .
17 The ones that you see in the book they 're three and a half inches .
18 We need to hear from the local churches , from the district councils what 's going on wha what the issues that concern you are so let's as well the ones that you see downstairs , we may already be addressing so have a look down there have a look at the , the information but if there are any issues you feel we ought to be addressing then please let us know so that we can put them on our agenda .
19 Well the thing is you 've got ta do the ones that you see in person have n't you ?
20 So they just sit in the inside lane do n't they , turn up the radio , or put a cassette in , or maybe even get their papers on their lap and , thing , yes , but then the ones that did n't do this planning are the ones that you see going see them , probably you .
21 These can be used instead of the time- consuming pulling down of menus but do n't try to learn them — you will soon pickup the ones that you need .
22 Get one of those ones that you strap on its back .
23 Not ones that you talk about anyway .
24 Not ones that you talk about anyway .
25 The ones that you waste your time describing to the blank-faced school-leaver behind the counter in Tandys .
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