Example sentences of "tend [to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Words about words tend to float off into a mysterious space of their own — though I hope most of those we have used have been firmly pinned down .
2 In the main , they are instilled with the pragmatic games of pursuit they play with the local petty thief ; and if asked to consider the wider nature of their role , they tend to fall back on protestations of political neutrality .
3 For example , desperate politicians tend to fall back on it to appease working class voters in the United States and the United Kingdom .
4 In a famous book entitled Your God is too Small J.B. Phillips ( 1932 ) drew up a list of twelve inadequate concepts of God which people tend to carry around with them .
5 The latter relax annoyingly when not in use and tend to slide out of place .
6 And the West peal comes appeal and the West 's heard becomes a heard and the one sort of difference that 's still there and it may take quite while to go is that the East Mainland when they 're saying a sentence they tend to go up at the end of the sentence the voice rises .
7 I would like to go to the town today , and she 's awfully she 's no the day and they tend to go up at the end .
8 But they still tend to go round in packs every so slightly .
9 ( 1986 ) and Borgman ( 1980 ) have found from their studies that older children especially are not willing to move to a new family if contact with their biological families is to be severed , though of course some children may be unable to voice their reluctance and tend to go along with the plans .
10 Their cultural background is that of a small rural community where women tend to go out with family members or neighbours .
11 The ultimate in this line is the standing order , usually employed for annuals , which tend to go out of print very quickly once advance subscriptions are satisfied .
12 and if that inefficiency was causing the problem it 's not the result of the ownership er , there are inefficient private companies it 's just that inefficient private companies tend to go out of business , whereas inefficient public ones can be maintained with subsidization .
13 I 've had two or three I think , very rarely do we find them and shapers tend to go out on a limb they tend to want to lead they tend to want to control they want people to follow their way they do tend to be the people that dig in and say you know this is the way we do it .
14 I think by and large that will have no effect on us at all , since most of the independent films that we 're responsible for tend to go out under club showings and do not therefore need to have certificates .
15 of perhaps my characteristics cos I tend to go in to work at eight o'clock just before I write any more in and I do have to clear everything before I even start the day .
16 we tend to go back to feet I must say .
17 Nor does the intention of building in order to replace obsolete prisons tend to work out in practice .
18 Despite all the things that happen to us , such as religious conversion , dreams , accidents , bereavement , psychological shock — all those things that pull us out of everyday reality — we tend to slip back to a belief that there is a bedrock of common sense and sensibility at the heart of things .
19 So linguists too tend to come up with grammatically correct , but somewhat peculiar examples : ‘ Sincerity may frighten the boy ’ ( Chomsky 1965:63 ) and so on .
20 Do people tend to stand around in your kitchen when they are eating a snack or drinking the odd cup of coffee because there is no place to sit ?
21 You 're obviously more cautious than you were before , and erm a lot of kids now they tend to stand back for a while just in case 'cause you can never judge how fast they 're really going to go through there .
22 Muslim ones tend to shrivel up at the thought of their women going out to work .
23 ‘ Moss stitch is best for ties otherwise they tend to curl up at the edges and look like a drain pipe . ’
24 Coverage is further restricted because the same titles tend to crop up in each paper .
25 Those that tend to split up into smaller bulbs the following year , then take several years to reach flowering size , can be disappointing unless you replant with fresh bulbs each year .
26 Lizards have a similar opening , between the nostrils and the eyes , for a gland that apparently helps get rid of excess salts which they tend to pick up from their dry and salty environments .
27 A lot of the arts fellows think Humphrey 's a bit of a twit and tend to talk down to him .
28 The next year he wrote to Stead of having lived almost entirely in towns and , though not lacking in a feeling for nature , tending to go back to his memories of Missouri and New England for natural images .
29 The development of the clay tile industry in England has been along peculiarly narrow lines , plain tile makers tending to grow up in isolation in the Midlands , and pantile makers emerging on Humberside .
30 Many of these have since been taken on by the wider society and are to be found in all its corners influencing even those who would now deny them any real significance and tend to look back on the decade as only times of silliness and self-indulgence .
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