Example sentences of "claim that he had " in BNC.

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1 Jack 's sister Lorraine said she knew that June had dated Don Rose around that time but no one could confirm that he was the father , or his secondary claim that he had married June before the baby was born ( he said they had separated quickly and she 'd later got a Mexican divorce , though apparently no papers are available to support his allegations ) .
2 His claim that he had been constructively dismissed failed because of the lapse of time after 6 February 1981 before he took action .
3 In a covering letter sent with the assessments , the inspector indicated that once the returns for the years were submitted , the taxpayer 's claim that he had been incorrectly assessed more than once would be accepted .
4 The Supreme Court in Toronto backed his claim that he had not intended to kill her .
5 Wallis further throws doubt on Gusfield 's claim that he had in fact identified a status group .
6 Almost twenty years alter the incident Coleridge was persuaded by Byron to publish the poem , and he then made the sensational claim that he had been able to remember 200 to 300 lines of perfect poetry when he had awoken from a drug-induced sleep , and was busy writing them down when he was interrupted by someone from Porlock demanding to see him on business .
7 As a result , he was later dogged by the claim that he had continuing CIA links , a claim he always denied .
8 Soviet sources charged that Ghotbzadeh had made ‘ the totally unsupported claim that he had obtained Soviet concurrence in his proposal ’ and had maintained that ‘ an understanding had allegedly been reached between Iran and the Soviet Union on some kind of principles for a settlement in Afghanistan , including the imposition of ‘ neutrality ’ on that country ’ .
9 Although during the 1987 congressional inquiry into the affair Poindexter shielded Reagan ( then President ) from any responsibility for the operation , his defence strategy against the criminal charges rested upon the claim that he had believed that he was acting with the President 's authority .
10 Cruz admitted unfreezing the bank accounts ; his claim that he had the legal authority to do so was rejected by the courts on Nov. 17 .
11 The chairman was clearly annoyed at Maradona 's claim that he had had no time to notify him on Monday before returning to Argentina for the friendly against Denmark .
12 Newton 's claim that he had shot his father to defend himself was difficult to reconcile with the number of shots fired .
13 He also rejected claims that he had corrected errors of judgement by Nicholas Ridley .
14 BEN Johnson last night rejected claims that he had again tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs .
15 Smart 's claims that he had the support in this enterprise of ‘ many of the Bishops and other dignified Clergymen ’ seems to have been completely unrealistic .
16 FURIOUS President Bush last night blasted new claims that he had an affair with an English-born aide .
17 In spite of Hutchinson 's claims that he had 20,000 members in the Mansfield district , and large numbers of followers in Lancashire and other industrial areas , and that he had printed hundreds of thousands of copies of the National Worker , there was no evidence that he had any members in his organization .
18 A FORMER Portsmouth soccer player has been suspended from his teaching job after claims that he had sex with a teenage girl pupil 12 years ago .
19 He suffered over evidence that he had links with former communists and the secret police ; over criticism of his ambiguous prescriptions for economic recovery ; and over ridicule of his claims that he had had mystical experiences .
20 According to the recently discovered personal notes , however , Weinberger was aware of a November 1985 arms shipment of US Hawk anti-aircraft missiles from Israel to Iran before the end of the year , despite earlier claims that he had found out about it only in 1986 .
21 Mr Salmond rejected claims that he had made the issue a question of confidence and said he was ‘ relaxed ’ at the prospect of a challenge , adding : ‘ I think that is a rather far fetched possibility , but obviously in a democratic party everyone has the right to stand for national convener . ’
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