Example sentences of "institution such [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 One explicit guiding principle of papal teaching which came to influence the Irish constitution and successive debates culminating in the church — state imbroglio of 1951 , dealt with below , was that of ‘ subsidiarity ’ : that no ‘ secondary ’ institution such as the state should take on duties which ‘ primary ’ and ‘ intermediate ’ ones , such as the family , could assume .
2 Furthermore , the political implication of becoming an observing participant in an institution such as the police is immense , both for the group studied and for the ethnographer .
3 The cultural baggage which any social group , tribe , or institution such as the police acquires over time can thus be translated to reveal just what sustains it , and furthermore reveal what the society itself may not even have understood .
4 The BBFC aimed to ensure that British films were as bloodless as possible , contained no criticism of any foreign power and no attack on any established British institution such as the clergy or the judiciary , avoided all political , religious and social controversy , and did nothing that would risk causing offence or inflaming public opinion .
5 Nevertheless in a very large institution such as the University of London , with large and geographically scattered subject collections , a divide and rule system is inevitable , and in contrast to Hindle 's findings , a survey on the ‘ Overlap of acquisitions in the University of London Libraries ’ found that duplication in this kind of situation was in fact relatively small .
6 These men could at least enter imaginatively into the spirit of a male institution such as the manyatta : there was something familiar about it all , even if they were not quite sure what , and this familiarity contributed to the ease they felt in the company of the Masai .
7 One of the curious anomalies that this gave rise to was the difficulty of placing an institution such as the BBC into their scheme of things .
8 But a breach in the wall à la ITV or even Dallas does not in itself destroy the fundamental nature of the existing system ; it may contain within it forces which threaten it but a well established and respected institution such as the BBC ought to be able to adapt to change .
9 There maybe societies where there is a privilege and inequality , but as long as we have in Britain a system where the head of the state , is head of state because the person inherited the position of being monarch and as long as we have a institution such as the House of Lords .
10 ' In his comments on the Soviet economy to the Senate Finance Committee yesterday , Mr Baker rejected the idea of early Soviet membership of international economic institutions such as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade , the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank .
11 Being wilfully deaf and blind these last 25 years , she would have missed the debates and riots which culminated in the Race Relations Acts and in institutions such as the Commission for Racial Equality .
12 But it is not a model that holds up for the twentieth century , when liberalization of the divorce law was not a matter of last resort but was rather always proposed as a means of strengthening the institution of marriage ( by permitting those ‘ living in sin ’ to remarry ) ; when opinion shifted with dramatic speed , for example between the conservative recommendations of the 1956 Royal Commission on Divorce and the endorsement of profound liberalization given a mere ten years later by both the Law Commission and the Church of England ; and when the change in views of key institutions such as the Church of England were as important as those of lawyers .
13 The rhetorical use they made of anthropologists ' ideas as a source for a criticism of the society of their time , especially as a criticism of the way institutions such as the family , marriage , and the status of women were seen as unchangeable and eternally fixed , is one which seems totally justified to present-day anthropologists .
14 Now , with the destruction of the GLC by an explicitly and dedicatedly anti-homosexual government , the Archives ' holdings are dispersed , given refuge by institutions such as the London School of Economics and the Haldane Society .
15 This positive approach to the challenges offered by the Tunnel is also evident in the activities of Projenor , a company set up by a number of organisations involved in the Channel Tunnel including Eurotunnel , SNCF , local and regional authorities in France , and major financial institutions such as the Belgian Credit Communal and the Midland Bank .
16 For some centuries , natural law theories have provided political and social groups , as well as individuals , with justifications for their actions ( Bloch , 1961 ) but for even longer they have also contributed to an understanding and legitimation of institutions such as the church , the monarchy and the state .
17 Older trading institutions such as the Fairs which had served Europe since the Middle Ages , were disappearing , at least in their old forms .
18 Since the days when institutions such as the National Gallery of Art in Washington and the Museum of Modern Art in New York were established , many more museums have been founded bearing their founders ' names .
19 Entries on artists have brief bibliographies and there are also listings for institutions such as the Institute of Contemporary Arts , London , and the Arts Council , major galleries which have dealt in Modern British work , and art movements such as the Newlyn School .
20 Through the creation of institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank , a forum was provided for discussion and decision-making on an international scale .
21 Together these factors have put new pressures on the international monetary system and on institutions such as the IMF which were designed to operate in a different economic environment .
22 It is increasingly difficult for the establishment elites to retain dominance over all this new activity , even if they still have charge of the key institutions such as the Bank of England .
23 Another development of the 1980s , which is relevant to the fortunes of institutions such as the ICA , is the disappearance of what was once called the ‘ avant-garde ’ has tended to conclude that it always was distinguishable from ‘ modern ’ or ‘ modernist ’ , and that its key feature was political affiliation , generally expressed as strategies of negation and opposition .
24 Foreign investment turns on the attitude of international institutions such as the IMF and World Bank and on a major creditor , the Japanese .
25 This is done through private colleges , correspondence courses , one or two state institutions such as The London College for Distributive Trades .
26 ( c ) Important constitutional institutions such as the Cabinet and the office of Prime Minister have been created by convention .
27 Although the aristocratic hold on the traditional offices and institutions such as the council of the Areopagus and the office of Archon continued , power shifted to the council and the assembly .
28 Gollancz , for example , is commended not only for his qualities as a teacher , but also for his contributions to the development of institutions such as the British Academy , the Shakespeare Association , and the Early English Texts Society .
29 In the early part of the decade the term " pluralism " regularly cropped up at newer institutions such as the University of East Anglia , and , as was noted by a TLS correspondent , this term was " invariably meant to signal virtue " .
30 Aid to health is likely to remain a low priority , although institutions such as the World Bank are now recognizing the social cost of their policies .
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