Example sentences of "institution such [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But , in the contemporary study of an institution such as a factory or a college , it may be necessary to analyse hundreds of questionnaires or interview schedules , and this will only be done successfully and without trouble if the research worker knew in advance what was wanted and how the data could be analysed before it was collected .
2 In a survey of a ‘ closed ’ institution such as a prison or a firm the informants may be instructed to co-operate with interviewers because of agreement about the survey by the people in authority , but in many instances of samples from the general population no such authority exists and surveyors must try to obtain co-operation as best they can by interesting the informants in the survey and gaining their completely free co-operation .
3 A potential result of such strong attitudes against credit is that when financial pressures mount to the point where they override a reluctance to borrow , the reluctant borrower may want to borrow covertly — that is , borrow from an informal-seeming local lender rather than from a recognised lending institution such as a bank .
4 The trustee company , which is often a subsidiary of a major financial institution such as a large insurance company or bank , checks that investments of unit holders ' funds are in line with the general investment strategy of the fund as stated in the trust deed .
5 I think that 's an absolutely essential part of a higher education institution such as a university .
6 One explicit guiding principle of papal teaching which came to influence the Irish constitution and successive debates culminating in the church — state imbroglio of 1951 , dealt with below , was that of ‘ subsidiarity ’ : that no ‘ secondary ’ institution such as the state should take on duties which ‘ primary ’ and ‘ intermediate ’ ones , such as the family , could assume .
7 Furthermore , the political implication of becoming an observing participant in an institution such as the police is immense , both for the group studied and for the ethnographer .
8 The cultural baggage which any social group , tribe , or institution such as the police acquires over time can thus be translated to reveal just what sustains it , and furthermore reveal what the society itself may not even have understood .
9 The BBFC aimed to ensure that British films were as bloodless as possible , contained no criticism of any foreign power and no attack on any established British institution such as the clergy or the judiciary , avoided all political , religious and social controversy , and did nothing that would risk causing offence or inflaming public opinion .
10 Nevertheless in a very large institution such as the University of London , with large and geographically scattered subject collections , a divide and rule system is inevitable , and in contrast to Hindle 's findings , a survey on the ‘ Overlap of acquisitions in the University of London Libraries ’ found that duplication in this kind of situation was in fact relatively small .
11 These men could at least enter imaginatively into the spirit of a male institution such as the manyatta : there was something familiar about it all , even if they were not quite sure what , and this familiarity contributed to the ease they felt in the company of the Masai .
12 One of the curious anomalies that this gave rise to was the difficulty of placing an institution such as the BBC into their scheme of things .
13 But a breach in the wall à la ITV or even Dallas does not in itself destroy the fundamental nature of the existing system ; it may contain within it forces which threaten it but a well established and respected institution such as the BBC ought to be able to adapt to change .
14 There maybe societies where there is a privilege and inequality , but as long as we have in Britain a system where the head of the state , is head of state because the person inherited the position of being monarch and as long as we have a institution such as the House of Lords .
15 ' In his comments on the Soviet economy to the Senate Finance Committee yesterday , Mr Baker rejected the idea of early Soviet membership of international economic institutions such as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade , the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank .
16 Being wilfully deaf and blind these last 25 years , she would have missed the debates and riots which culminated in the Race Relations Acts and in institutions such as the Commission for Racial Equality .
17 But it is not a model that holds up for the twentieth century , when liberalization of the divorce law was not a matter of last resort but was rather always proposed as a means of strengthening the institution of marriage ( by permitting those ‘ living in sin ’ to remarry ) ; when opinion shifted with dramatic speed , for example between the conservative recommendations of the 1956 Royal Commission on Divorce and the endorsement of profound liberalization given a mere ten years later by both the Law Commission and the Church of England ; and when the change in views of key institutions such as the Church of England were as important as those of lawyers .
18 The rhetorical use they made of anthropologists ' ideas as a source for a criticism of the society of their time , especially as a criticism of the way institutions such as the family , marriage , and the status of women were seen as unchangeable and eternally fixed , is one which seems totally justified to present-day anthropologists .
19 Now , with the destruction of the GLC by an explicitly and dedicatedly anti-homosexual government , the Archives ' holdings are dispersed , given refuge by institutions such as the London School of Economics and the Haldane Society .
20 This positive approach to the challenges offered by the Tunnel is also evident in the activities of Projenor , a company set up by a number of organisations involved in the Channel Tunnel including Eurotunnel , SNCF , local and regional authorities in France , and major financial institutions such as the Belgian Credit Communal and the Midland Bank .
21 For some centuries , natural law theories have provided political and social groups , as well as individuals , with justifications for their actions ( Bloch , 1961 ) but for even longer they have also contributed to an understanding and legitimation of institutions such as the church , the monarchy and the state .
22 Older trading institutions such as the Fairs which had served Europe since the Middle Ages , were disappearing , at least in their old forms .
23 Since the days when institutions such as the National Gallery of Art in Washington and the Museum of Modern Art in New York were established , many more museums have been founded bearing their founders ' names .
24 Entries on artists have brief bibliographies and there are also listings for institutions such as the Institute of Contemporary Arts , London , and the Arts Council , major galleries which have dealt in Modern British work , and art movements such as the Newlyn School .
25 Through the creation of institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank , a forum was provided for discussion and decision-making on an international scale .
26 Together these factors have put new pressures on the international monetary system and on institutions such as the IMF which were designed to operate in a different economic environment .
27 It is increasingly difficult for the establishment elites to retain dominance over all this new activity , even if they still have charge of the key institutions such as the Bank of England .
28 Another development of the 1980s , which is relevant to the fortunes of institutions such as the ICA , is the disappearance of what was once called the ‘ avant-garde ’ has tended to conclude that it always was distinguishable from ‘ modern ’ or ‘ modernist ’ , and that its key feature was political affiliation , generally expressed as strategies of negation and opposition .
29 Foreign investment turns on the attitude of international institutions such as the IMF and World Bank and on a major creditor , the Japanese .
30 This is done through private colleges , correspondence courses , one or two state institutions such as The London College for Distributive Trades .
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