Example sentences of "express in [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Introducing the convergence factor , where , in the general case of a signal F(t) which is zero before time , leads to a modified transform which it is customary to express in terms of the complex variable as This particular transform is known as the Laplace transform .
2 Er at the very least I wish to see the criteria amended erm and expressed in terms of minimizing impact rather er avoiding completely .
3 For the rest of Russell 's life there was a constant tug of war between the very real religious sentiments which he expresses in passages like those and his sceptical attitude towards established religions .
4 The bone density was calculated using a calibration phantom containing known concentrations of K 2 HPO 4 solution and expressed in grams per litre .
5 Lofting had expressed in articles in the Nation in 1923 and 1924 his strong feelings about the glorification of war and violence ‘ which seems as yet to be part of every child 's metamorphosis ’ , and horror of war is the theme of the poem , Victory for the Slain ( 1942 ) , his only published work for adult readers .
6 Nightmares of pure horror are expressed in dreams of cannibalism , gory deaths and graveyard ghouls .
7 The next three classes beneath the class — the Sahn , the and the — also may choose kadiliks or the next higher rank of medrese , but in these cases the option of choosing a kadilik is expressed in variants of the following phrase : " if [ the muderrises ] become poor and choose office [ as kadi ] … " , the implication of which is that they would not otherwise do so .
8 It may be , then , that there is a distinction between the two cases and that , notwithstanding the later doubts expressed in Hills v. Ellis , Willmott v. Atack should be taken to stand for the proposition that a person who interferes with the police intending to help them is not guilty of a wilful obstruction .
9 This widening definition of what it is to be human , couched in sociologically aware terms , runs throughout the responses , and is further expressed in attitudes to amniocentesis and abortion in subsequent pregnancies .
10 West Heath encouraged ‘ good citizenship ’ by the girls , these ideas expressed in visits to the old , the sick and the mentally handicapped .
11 Territoriality was the key to urban working-class sporting loyalties and this was sometimes expressed in acts of violence .
12 Problems such as overcrowded classrooms became newly visible both in debates over reconstruction and evacuation and in the concern with ‘ the state of the nation ’ as expressed in fears for ‘ the visible embodiments of posterity ’ , the nation 's children .
13 In addition to all the rationally established facts I formulate in the indicative mood , there is the imperative to respect them , expressed in injunctions of varying generality imposing varying degrees of obligation , ‘ You ought to know that ’ , ‘ You should have had more sense ’ , ‘ You had better check that ’ , ‘ You were wrong to overlook that ’ , and sometimes directly in the imperative mood , ‘ Face facts ’ ‘ Know thyself ’ , ‘ Think what you 're doing ’ .
14 The static , closed image of the literary text that goes with the concept of structure is replaced by a dynamic , open one which is expressed in concepts like play and practice .
15 In our approach to those negotiations , we have been guided by the views expressed in debates in the House .
16 15.41 Pupils working towards level 10 should learn that attitudes to Standard English and to non-standard varieties , eg as expressed in letters to newspapers , can be based on stereotypes and prescriptive judgement .
17 They should learn to recognise when people 's attitudes to language use , eg as expressed in letters to newspapers , reveal misunderstandings about the nature of language change .
18 The interests of the non-indigenous population were articulated by bodies such as ‘ Interfront ’ in Latvia , set up in January 1989 , and its counterparts in the other republics ; the concerns of the substantial Russian-speaking minority in these republics were also expressed in letters to the central press , and found some reflection in the speeches of members of the party leadership .
19 The extreme anti Jewish sentiments expressed in letters from soldiers at the Front , though evidently a small minority of the overall services ’ mail , also sometimes included direct references to Hitler 's stance on the ‘ Jewish Question ’ , interpreting the war in classical Nazi fashion as a struggle brought about by the Jews and destined to end in their destruction .
20 If the concentration difference K=Ca 2 + ; -3H + ; is positive then , for example , brown trout will thrive ; if negative they may not survive ( concentrations are expressed in microequivalents per litre ) .
21 The relationship between the orientation of alignment of the two sides is normally expressed in hours of the clock .
22 In order to identify new genes preferentially expressed in cytotrophoblasts of first trimester placenta , which display phenotypical characteristics similar to tumor cells , we have made a subtracted cDNA library .
23 For technical reasons spatial frequency is expressed in cycles per degree rather than cycles per centimetre .
24 The mean activity in all channels was used to quantitate motility and was expressed in units of mm Hg/min .
25 For each experiment , the mean of all four channels was derived and expressed in units of mm Hg/min .
26 Pro-emancipationists indicated their reliance on popular opinion expressed in petitions from the country and went along only reluctantly , and sceptically , with the government 's hope for co-operative measures of amelioration by colonial assemblies .
27 You can use this function to convert an angle expressed in radians to degrees .
28 This is usually expressed in terms of pushing an activity underground ( eg pornography ) or into the backstreets ( eg abortion ) or abroad ( eg experiments on embryos ) .
29 Without being too sophisticated about its finer points , sustainable development has an obvious , sensible meaning when expressed in terms of a traditional farmer recycling dung and compost to maintain the fertility of his land .
30 Our knowledge that all wholes are equal to the sum of their parts , or that any number is either even or odd , presupposes , or is expressed in terms of , the ideas of ‘ whole ’ , ‘ part ’ , ‘ number ’ , ‘ evenness ’ , and ‘ oddness ’ .
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