Example sentences of "nor [verb] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 We never attribute any goodwill to the minority interest ( since they are not a party to the transaction ) nor attempt to extrapolate the group 's goodwill to establish a theoretical goodwill attributable to the minority interest .
2 It is unfortunate that Jha et al do not point out the disadvantages of not using incident cases , nor try to estimate the magnitude of the systematic errors thus introduced .
3 Nor stay to paint the Ladies gay ,
4 It would have been impossible for Liza not to realise her growing power over the opposite sex , nor fail to notice the kind of dumb adoration in which Corporal Carrow held her .
5 Undoubtedly there is humour here , but however much we laugh we must not forget what is at stake , nor fail to appreciate the danger into which Abraham has brought not only Sarah , but the grand purposes of God .
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