Example sentences of "whom [pron] [vb past] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Now when Simon saw that the spirit was bestowed through the laying on of the apostles hands , he offered them much money , saying , give this authority to me as well , so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit .
2 Now when Simon saw was bestowed through the laying on of the apostles hands , he offered them money saying , give this authority to me as well so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit .
3 This room is as cold as a cabin in the frozen woods , but it is not so cold as the heart of the person to whom I gave my love , my hope , my talent .
4 By adopting various graphological forms I hoped to fool the editors to whom I submitted my poems with a covering note , often under a false name .
5 Walpole later described him as ‘ an able geometrician and an exquisite architect , and of the purest taste both in the Grecian and Gothic styles … my oracle in taste , the standard to whom I submitted my trifles , the genius that presided over poor Strawberry ’ ; and from c .1753 onwards he designed much of the exterior , as well as a number of the interiors .
6 Her acquaintance with Robert Burns [ q.v. ] , to whom she owed her introduction to Smellie , began in Dumfries in late 1791 .
7 This enchanting white-faced chestnut could be excitable before her races — it was the Royal Hunt Cup winner Come On The Blues , her travelling companion and calming influence , on whom she had her crush — but was admirably genuine , and her home-stretch surge to bring British racing its first great triumph in the Breeders ' Cup ensured that the affection in which she was held during her racing career would not fade .
8 She liked her job , she needed her job , the building society with whom she had her mortgage would very much like her to keep her well-paying job — but she had no idea how she could go about keeping it if that swine in the new extension said , ‘ On your way ’ .
9 She was still some way behind her father 's horse , whom she saw her father checking as he realized there was no way through .
10 In the village where Ng Mui eventually settled , she met a young girl named Yim Wing Chun , to whom she taught her system .
11 Pilade was the only one to whom she showed her true self and at three years of age this was no burden to him .
12 Scarlet dreamed that an unknown person was kissing her and filling her mouth with ice-cold spit : she woke , glad that Constance , to whom she confided her dreams , was there to listen .
13 The last few months of her journal witness a severe crisis in her life when , having produced a scientific paper on lichen ( nowadays considered ahead of its time ) , her researches were dismissed in a high-handed and sexist way by the Director of Kew Gardens to whom she presented her work .
14 But on one occasion she had a visitor , to whom she gave his portion , packing some egg sandwiches in the pudding basin and covering it as usual .
15 She had a toy-boy in tow whom she called her ‘ animal ’ .
16 Naturalism was a psychological penetration of the motives of the bourgeois , in whom we saw our mortal enemy , and psychological penetration , despite all efforts at resistance , brings an identification with the various precepts of bourgeois morality …
17 It was interesting to hear different views , and yet we all agreed that it was the people with whom we shared our home that mattered most .
18 It has been argued that the demise of rule by terror led the leaders of sectional elites to become more assertive and supportive of the interests they represented even against those to whom they owed their appointment ( Ross , 1980 , pp. 262–3 ) .
19 In fact , this was quite normal procedure by now in Romania , since they also determined the holiday plans of their senior colleagues , down to the destination , length of stay as well as with whom they spent their vacation .
20 Parasitic flies are one of the hazards of the male cricket 's sex-life ; they are attracted to calling males , on whom they lay their eggs .
21 Investors appear to have been effectively abandoned by both the fund managers , with whom they entrusted their investments , and also by the trustees whose main role is to safeguard these investments .
22 Investors appear to have been effectively abandoned by both the fund managers , with whom they entrusted their investments , and also by the trustees whose main role is to safeguard these investments .
23 Smith devoted some space to explaining how , imbued with martial spirit , yeomen followed the lords of whom they held their land to war , serving on foot as archers .
24 It was the marginal cultivators that took land on rabassa morta , who found tithes and feudal dues an intolerable burden , and they were not powerful enough to challenge either the large farmers or the aristocrats from whom they held their lands .
25 One of London 's earliest planned suburbs , it began to be laid out in 1773 on the estate of Henry Penton , MP for Winchester , from whom it took its name .
26 He never developed a proper Secretariat for the Nigerian government and confided in no one but his devoted brother , whom he appointed his Political Secretary .
27 Part of the extraordinary success of this book may be attributed to skilful marketing — of part-issues between 1859 and 1861 , the illustrated edition in 1861 , and the cheap reissues begun by Samuel Beeton and continued by Ward , Lock , & Tyler , to whom he sold his titles after Isabella 's death .
28 In a nonsense poem addressed to Virginia Woolf he described himself as " upper-middle " , a class distinction which immediately associated him with the kind of solid and respectable Englishmen amongst whom he passed his business life and to whom he went for — to use one of the characteristic words — " convivial " social life .
29 She had no idea what the MI5 man was aiming to do , or to whom he owed his ultimate loyalty — except himself .
30 First , the rapidity and certainty with which he chose those with whom he shared his thoughts .
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