Example sentences of "mile [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They will take you half a mile for a packet of Marlboros — for a carton , they 'll fight each other for the privilege of taking you all the way ( eighteen miles ) out to Sheremtyevo airport .
2 Almost 2,000 took up the invitation during a two-day open house and were taken on a guided tour route which stretched over a mile through the £1.85 billion development .
3 The scheme aims to reduce traffic in the Royal Mile through the introduction of a meandering road consisting of one lane each way .
4 Our sportsdesk can spot from a mile off a person who can not tell an in-swinger from a bouncer .
5 I guessed they were from Ksabi , a village a mile off the road .
6 But a mile off The Strip , on a trading estate , the Top Rank gym bubbles with fighting action and gossip and , with a bit of a strain , the White Hope theory is being nurtured .
7 But a mile off The Strip , on a trading estate , the Top Rank gym bubbles with fighting action and gossip and , with a bit of a strain , the White Hope theory is being nurtured .
8 Those last would not be required again until they reached the last mile of the return trip .
9 Carson 's place was only a couple of miles away , in a vastly overpriced and overcrowded strip along less than half a mile of the river east from Kew Bridge .
10 This barren and featureless area offers no promise of adventure , yet within a mile of the viaduct the unlikely terrain yields the secrets of a score of caves and potholes to those who search and succeed in locating them : some are easy , some are difficult , some are dangerous , and most remain shyly hidden .
11 Within a mile of the sea the bracken-covered hills of Exmoor , deeply intersected by wooded combes , reach heights of over 1,000 feet , and only on the lower slopes do farmers derive a living from the inhospitable soil .
12 The sight of the brigade turning out to a call , pulled by magnificent black horses , drew every child within half a mile of the Works main gates when the warning hooter sounded .
13 It would have been sensible to have got in touch , but she had been desperate to get back and every mile of the road from Paris had been singingly bittersweet .
14 She knew every mile of the back roads to Kells through Kilcock , Trim and Fordstown .
15 Five others , including the Scottish Militant leader Tommy Sheridan , were banned from going within a mile of the factory .
16 He 'd wanted to escort her home but she had threatened to commit arson if he came within a quarter of a mile of the theatre .
17 Sheriff Michael Munro imposed bail conditions forbidding Cowans from going within half a mile of the Timex factory at Harrison Road and preventing him from approaching anyone known or believed by him to be member of the new Timex workforce .
18 He had , however , proceeded in safety till he came to the Willow Walk , within half a mile of the church , when by a sudden stagger he quitted the path , and passed over a ditch on his right hand .
19 Each year , Bonfire Night was the highlight of early winter and I was fortunate enough to live within a quarter of a mile of The Greencroft , which became the mecca on November 5th for people from all parts of the City .
20 The molten rock is within half a mile of the gates of Zafferana Etnea , a town of 7,000 people .
21 One crowd of pickets was prevented from getting within half a mile of the gates by lines of police officers , while a second group , who had managed to assemble earlier opposite the gates , was charged by police horses and dog handlers .
22 Five thousand of them covered the last mile of the march through the Berkshire fields in silence , despite the coldest and wettest Easter for forty years .
23 There is a lot of humorous reminiscing by the veterans about previous pilgrimages , about blisters , about the student who was cautioned for cooling his feet in a public reservoir , about the crippling last mile of the pilgrimage which , apparently ( who says we 're not living in the Middle Ages ? ) , we walk barefoot .
24 Sadler navigated the party to within a mile of the town , and splitting into groups the men headed off into the darkness laden with their bombs .
25 One thing is certain … no-one at Windsor Park will go within a mile of the match officials ' kit-bags .
26 Within hours of the players arriving in Delhi , Indian Prime Minster Indira Gandhi had been shot within a mile of the team 's hotel .
27 As the clubhouse and first link will be within a mile of the radio station and a quarter of a mile from the borough boundary , the project ought to do good to Henley and , incidentally , raise the value of the land surrounding the course .
28 Four-fifths of the flags were within half a mile of the Bab es Zuweyla , the Old Gate , near which was both the Blue Mosque of the Dervishes and the old church of the Copts , the Mar Girgis .
29 ‘ If you look at my map , ’ he said with a tinge of pride , ‘ you will see that all the incidents are still within half a mile of the Bab es Zuweyla .
30 Walkers will enjoy the Swan 's Way , which passes within l/– mile of the house .
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