Example sentences of "whatever it was [that] " in BNC.

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1 And she knew how urgent and fervent their kisses had been , how close Lucy had been to abandoning whatever it was that held her back , made her withhold her beautiful body .
2 IT IS the Keats time of year again , when inefficiently brainwashed poetasters grope about trying to remember whatever it was that came after the ‘ mellow fruitfulness ’ bit .
3 But in her mother 's kiss she had learned something of the importance of whatever it was that Rachel had to do .
4 Whatever it was that these men planned , Trent remained certain that it was too sophisticated to have been plotted by the murderers of Colombia 's drug trade .
5 We 'd arrived too late to enjoy whatever it was that the Sixties had ; and we were left the warm dregs to mull over .
6 Anyway , it was part of your task to appear interested in a woman who , if not boring , was lonely and — ’ she gave a high-pitched mirthless laugh — ‘ shall we say , slightly unbalanced — so as to find out … well , whatever it was that you were enquiring into .
7 He shook her awake and explained that he planned to make his way back into the forest , skirting the area of rocks , to get a closer look at whatever it was that had caught his attention .
8 I too would gladly have exercised these master-skills , but there was one essential ingredient I lacked : Charlie 's strong will and his massively forceful desire to possess whatever it was that took his fancy .
9 Viewers , when presented with a shot in which the subject is seen looking at something off the screen , will assume that the next shot will show whatever it was that the person was looking at .
10 ‘ Her doctor feels that if he could get her to face up to whatever it was that had such a damaging effect on her as a young child , then she would … well , take a grip on life again , see Harry in a different light , enjoy him , in fact , instead of escaping into illness as a way out of all her responsibilities . ’
11 Whatever it was that Bob Dylan , the Beatles and the Rolling Stones had done , a lot of black artists wanted the freedom to follow .
12 In other words , rats with hippocampal lesions have difficulty in refraining from punished responses because they can not remember what happened to them the last time that they did whatever it was that led to the punishment .
13 Panic , that was the first reaction to whatever it was that had just happened .
14 The radio was on , whatever it was that shrieked was at it full-blast , and from somewhere upstairs came music that sounded as if it proceeded from a violin .
15 Whatever it was that lured or drove them there , these creatures , over the millennia , lumbering after their food , became more and more efficient at moving and breathing out of water .
16 It seemed Gran too sensed there was no way of stopping whatever it was that had begun … ’
17 Whatever it was that had happened between Richard Ward and his wife , it must have been a bad thing because , to Beth 's mind , it had brought nothing good .
18 She was sitting on the bed with her album — that sparsely-peopled record of whatever it was that she 'd left behind and she was n't leafing through it but hugging it close , as if it was a physical source of comfort to her when times were at their lowest .
19 The snow continued to fall as the Quattro clawed its way eastward towards whatever it was that they were seeking , whatever terrible things were waiting at journey 's end .
20 All the family were enjoying life , and even Maureen seemed to have forgotten whatever it was that troubled her and to be quietly happy again .
21 Perhaps it meant that Cindy Hill had revealed at least some of whatever it was that bothered her , which was a good thing , really .
22 She gave her friend a significant glance and then clamped her lips together , in a parody of someone who was not going to say whatever it was that had just crossed her mind .
23 Whatever it was that had come over her family today , Nicandra could not guess at .
24 Whatever it was that had expanded in her head snapped now , very distinctly , convincing her that no gun would do .
25 Perhaps the magic of science would overcome this detestable witchcraft ( or whatever it was that held me in thrall ) .
26 All Rincewind had to do was shake off his guards , fight his way out of the Tree , find the temple and steal the horse out from under whatever it was that Bel-Shamharoth used for a nose .
27 When the bundle of clothes hit the ground it was the dog who realised first that there was something inside , also broken and crumpled , and after the dog came the children , who revolved round the heap , fascinated , until one noticed the blood and began to scream , and adults arrived to remove them from whatever it was that lay on the concrete .
28 Whatever it was that had triggered his mental alarm system , it set the adrenaline pumping into his bloodstream , and snapped his mind and body into a state of combat readiness .
29 It was rather like that strange spirit that hovered over the Wilson family when they were contemplating an evening out and told them where they ought to eat , and it had something in common with whatever it was that told the entire Liverpool football stadium to sing ‘ You 'll Never Walk Alone ’ at the same moment .
30 She did not believe that she could bring Scathach back to life , but he could at least be with her in the fortress as she made her journey into the first forest , as she went in search of whatever it was that had ensnared Harry , made him a prisoner in Old Forbidden Place .
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