Example sentences of "answer [that] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was one of those answers that they give sometimes .
2 It is a book that focuses on the questions that psychobiologists ask , rather than on the answers that they give to them .
3 Two shared out between six is So that 's one of the answers that we got .
4 so we must n't feel hurt , I 'd probably feel hurt we must n't be er adversely react if we do n't like the answers that we get .
5 We we ar it was really helpful if we are concrete in actually the answers that we give rather than speculative .
6 We ask them to read the policy , we explain bits in the booklet , we ask them to telephone us if there 's anything they 're not happy with or they 're unsure about and we will clarify that , and also we do give them fourteen days in which to cancel , so if if once they 've actually got the policy , if they 're not happy with it , or they 're not happy with the answers that we give , then they 're more than happy we 're more than happy to refund .
7 If some or even most of them do not respond , how can we know whether the answers that we have got are representative ?
8 Er My Lords I do not see within this of amendments the answers that we want , I see two or three narrow misses .
9 If you do n't like the answers that you get , do n't buy the products .
10 After the answers that I have given , I do not know how anyone can say that nothing is happening on the matter .
11 Well you answered it in the first , in the first answer that they got jobs they were employed er the , the rural labourers were able to , to get employment in urban areas er where wages were slightly above those wages that they could reasonably expect in agriculture and because they were actually productive making goods and services they helped the development process .
12 A recent survey of computer managers in the UK gave the rather obvious answer that they kept missing project deadlines because of shortcomings in the following areas : CAUSE RANKING Program Maintenance 1 Estimating 2 Staff Shortage 3 Project Management 4 Planning 5 What was not considered in the results of the survey were the following further considerations , which in my experience are at least as significant .
13 I shall answer it as best I can , although I am afraid that I may burden Opposition Members with an answer that they have heard before .
14 ‘ The answer that we received was that to talk to us on film would be voyeurism at its worst .
15 ‘ The answer that we received was that to talk to us on film would be voyeurism at its worst .
16 ‘ The answer that we received was that to talk to us on film would be voyeurism at its worst .
17 The answer that we do n't know seems unconvincing .
18 So if we put four in there , we should get the same answer that you got .
19 Th I , I thought I had it clear , and now I 'm slightly confused as a result of an answer that you gave , and I 'm not quite clear again .
20 Not the answer that you gave me before . ’
21 so I was n't quite sure of the answer that you gave back with me walking back from the camera so I just wanted to qualify that so that , I mean all that I noticed was that there was nothing that , that , no information that you tried to get out of him .
22 In view of the answer that I have given to the first question this second question does not arise and it would be unwise for me to attempt to answer it on a hypothetical basis .
23 I offer the hon. Member for Livingston ( Mr. Cook ) my heartfelt thanks for giving what is almost the first straight answer that I have ever extracted from him .
24 I think that this is important — I am sure that the House will agree that this is important and that I should explain the background to the answer that I have previously given .
25 I refer my hon. Friend to the answer that I gave some moments ago .
26 I refer my hon. Friend to the answer that I gave some moments ago .
27 I refer the hon. Gentleman to the answer that I gave some moments ago .
28 I refer the hon. Gentleman to the answer that I gave some moments ago .
29 I refer my hon. Friend to the answer that I gave some moments ago .
30 I refer my hon. Friend to the answer that I gave some moments ago .
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