Example sentences of "skill and [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It takes all Charles Martell 's skill and determination to steer a straight course at the Wye Valley Farm Park in Herefordshire .
2 Our Tailor Made Department has the skill and knowledge to put together any combination .
3 At first they were quite crude and it took little skill and expertise to forge the signature , and then fraudulently put them to financial advantage .
4 The question is whether England reached their peak for the first 45 minutes of Hamilton or whether they have the resources of skill and spirit to play even better seven days later at Pukekohe .
5 To do this you must bypass dozens of traps , overcome hundreds of multi talented guards and robots and use all your skill and logic to find the blueprints .
6 Billy Callender , Palace 's regular goalkeeper from 1926–32 , was thought by some of his contemporaries to have sufficient skill and character to follow his illustrious predecessor , Jack Alderson , not just as the Crystal Palace custodian but also the full England International Side itself .
7 [ Around 1800 ] persons … were enabled by their skill and industry to maintain themselves and families in a state of comfort and respectability ; and to keep their own houses and pay taxes , scot and lot , and contribute towards the maintenance of other persons in their profession , who were either sick or in distress , so that it was scarcely known that any person in this trade ever applied for parochial relief .
8 They wanted to ensure that people sufficient skill and training to run their own business and that they 'd done their homework .
9 However , it was not easy to use and required a certain amount of both skill and effort to achieve decent results .
10 It requires planning , skill and tactics to create a winning side and if the individual players do not fit into the maze , if they can not work within a cohesive unit , then success will elude the whole team .
11 The anonymous pilot displayed skill and nerve to land the crippled plane at screeching high speed at the city 's National Airport .
12 Alexander , the King 's son , who was at that time twelve years old , called out to his father : ‘ What an excellent horse do they lose for want of skill and courage to manage him ! ’
13 The skills and disciplines to deliver each of these elements is available in Scotland , but will only be effectively utilised if they are part of our overall tourism strategy under one board and not , as now , with a variety of organisations working in partial isolation , and indeed often in competition .
14 Companies should also ensure that their employees have the skills and knowledge to play their part in the export drive , for example , by being aware of the standards set by competitors which we have to beat .
15 The educational system is partly concerned with producing the skills and expertise to expand production and increase its efficiency .
16 In all cases , clients can benefit from our ability to bring all our multidisciplinary skills and resources to bear on their problems .
17 Adaptability in business may require organisational or structural change on a grand scale — the skills and procedures to achieve such change are learnt , not automatically available .
18 However , it takes time to build skills and networks to identify the real cost of accidents — as BP 's experience illustrates .
19 Engagement personnel should have appropriate skills and competence to carry out properly the work for which they are responsible .
20 It also advocated that the local authorities should ‘ maintain their presence in higher education ’ , adding that it would only be acceptable for them to do so if they could all ‘ restrain themselves from excessive and unreasonable interference in the running of large , developed polytechnics with the skills and competence to look after themselves ’ .
21 There was heavy Indian emigration after the second coup , however , particularly among those Indians with sufficient skills and capital to establish themselves elsewhere .
22 Caulker had been deeply concerned ( and I am convinced rightly so ) that the conference concentrated its time and discussion on the provision of sophisticated and expensive technology for developing countries , ignoring the need to lay foundations in schools for fundamental growth of knowledge , skills and attitudes to understand them .
23 The National Curriculum 's aims — to give pupils knowledge , understanding , skills and attitudes to equip them for the responsibilities and challenges of adult life and tomorrow 's world — will be widely supported .
24 Elderly parents may begin to feel tense and unsure of their previous social skills and ability to sustain long conversations with visitors , or may tire very quickly , which may lead them to start placing obstacles of one kind and another to people coming to the house at all .
25 Working with people whose verbal skills and ability to conceptualise may he limited or sometimes non-existent , offers a particular challenge .
26 The role of the non-disabled workers should be to allow the information to be passed on and to give support to people who want to develop skills and confidence to challenge the barriers they face .
27 The paradox is that ‘ poor communities are full of people with skills and energy to sell , and no one is buying ’ .
28 In the former , education can provide more people with the skills and information to secure them good jobs and , thus , produce an increase in the number of people prepared for fulfilling and materially rewarding occupations .
29 A combined series of moves that give it a keen cutting edge ; an experience to be remembered and savoured ; a problem that takes both skills and nerve to solve .
30 Thus they have ‘ pay for performance ’ , with a strong emphasis on giving people the skills and tools to improve their performance .
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