Example sentences of "compare the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Clara was astonished ; she could compare the room to nothing in her experience , nothing at all , unless it were perhaps to those studiously , tediously visited ancient homes which she had been round on various bank holidays during her childhood .
2 I also used to compare the buzzard to a kite , being allowed to gain height gradually and seeming to grow smaller and smaller until it went out of control and soared off into the distance with the wind .
3 A famous early Christian image compared the universe to a tune which at any moment the creator might choose to end with silence .
4 Steven Morrissey was impressed and compared the Pistols to his beloved New York Dolls in the New Musical Express letters page .
5 Observers compared the plan to Poland 's " shock therapy " reforms and noted that the Russian government had been slow to build on the progress made by democratic forces in the failed coup .
6 John Large , an engineering consultant who gave evidence for the local authorities consortium , compared the problem to dismantling a beehive at the end of the season .
7 He compared the press to a scaffolding , surrounding a building under construction ( the worker 's state ) , which marked the outlines of the structure , facilitated communication among the builders , enhanced the effective assignment of tasks , and made possible a clear view of the achievements of the builders .
8 In another analogy , he compared the religions to different paths towards the peak of a mountain , or different perspectives upon the same building .
9 Kierkegaard compared the heart to the ocean .
10 Several students compared the teaching to school :
11 She compared the answers to those from a similar survey in 1984 .
12 Mr Biffen in 1989 compared the office to a ‘ sewer ’ and Mr Pym in 1983 spoke of ‘ mischief-making by the Prime Minister 's poisonous acolytes ’ .
13 One ambulanceman compared the carnage to an air crash .
14 Dettori et al ( 1983 ) assessed the platelet-aggregate ratio in 92 ‘ adult onset ’ diabetics and compared the results to 50 control subjects of a similar age .
15 Sbarro compared the links to hydraulic jacks that allow the body height to be changed to vary ride comfort without affecting the way the suspension functions .
16 Hartley 's philosophy was in fact an early form of the twentieth-century scheme of mental association known as Behaviourism ( Pavlov 's dogs were taught to salivate at the sound of an electric bell ) , and if writing today he would presumably have compared the brain to a computer .
17 An analogy which would better express Aquinas ' view compares the universe to a number of objects , say a pile of books on a table .
18 Lazaris. compares the situation to a file clerk who is suddenly promoted to managing director , without having a clue of how the business operates .
19 If we imagine the situation at the end of the Miller 's Tale in realistic terms , we can suppose that the divisions amongst the pilgrims in terms of their appreciation of the tale are as likely to reflect different sensibilities to the marked , fabliau language the Miller 's Tale makes use of as shock at the possible moral implications of the tale ( compare the response to the Prioress 's Tale , noted in Chapter 3 ) .
20 The T'ang smiled , and Ben , watching , found himself comparing the man to his tutor , Peng Yu-wei .
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