Example sentences of "compare [noun] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Walker compared hand simulations of the predictions of the algorithms of Hobbs ( 1976 ) and Brennan , Friedman & Pollard ( 1987 : BFP ) on a set of naturally occurring texts .
2 He compares Dinka representations of the ‘ self ’ with those common in certain English usage and concludes :
3 We therefore conclude with a brief examination of a number of studies which either explicitly compare bargaining structures of different countries at a sub-national level , or which seek to identify systematically by means of quantitative methods inter-industry determinants within a single , national industrial relations system — the results of which may then be compared as between countries .
4 Bearing in mind that growth rate is related to size in a non-linear manner , compare growth rates of whelks of the same initial size marked as feeding on different prey .
5 While there is an absence of any major national study comparing completion rates of non-traditional students with those entering on the basis of traditional academic qualifications there does seem to be some evidence that completion rates for non-traditional students are somewhat lower .
6 Our 1986-87 panel study has not been repeated , but we can get some idea of the impact of the press in 1991-92 by comparing Mori polls of newspaper readers ' voting intentions in 1991 with votes in 1992 .
7 care should be taken when comparing risk figures of an existing process against those of a proposed new process .
8 Users should be provided with a facility for comparing screen images of two text sources side by side .
9 Secondly , to try to increase the validity of inter-racial comparison we decided to compare arrest rates of Black , Asian and White males who lived in the same small areas .
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