Example sentences of "pull [adv prt] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 But umm I sort of drove on for a bit and thought it feels alright and then when I got to that , you know B P petrol station , I pulled in and got out and had a look .
2 I told you , I said to him , I just pulled in and heaved them out .
3 Fifteen miles south of Garberville my eyes began to close and I pulled over and slept for half an hour .
4 We pulled over and met the two drivers .
5 I was waving but no-one would stop and I was there for nearly half an hour before a man pulled over and helped me .
6 ‘ He did n't seem to know where the hotel entrance was so my husband pulled over and pointed it out to him .
7 Near the harbour entrance Maurin overtook Cobalt , pulled up and got out of his car to speak .
8 She pulled up and ran after the still-moving combine , grasped the rail with one finger and sprang on to the vertical steps .
9 They stopped and another friend bound for the same place , who had seen the problem , pulled up and walked over to them .
10 Adam pulled up and asked directions , and having found out he had come too far , he drove back to the IFA Motorenwerk and turned right .
11 When at 10.45am we had resigned ourselves to a day of swimming and sunbathing a farmer pulled up and asked , in German , if we were waiting for him .
12 He pulled up and leant against a tree .
13 A lift pulled up and took me away .
14 Roger , overtaking her in his ramshackle car , pulled up and opened the door .
15 This was then attached in turn to five ropes which he pulled up and fastened to the pole .
16 The ground is being pulled up and relayed in stages .
17 He checked again that his wet socks were pulled up and stood very still .
18 He pulled back and squinted at her , pushing out his lower lip in a gesture combining pugnacity and deliberation .
19 The sheer pleasure of it swept him up and it was a full minute before he pulled back and looked at her , amazed at how happy he felt .
20 Her nails were biting into her palms when he pulled back and looked down into her face .
21 ‘ My pure angel , ’ he breathed raggedly when , quite some minutes later , he pulled back and looked down at her beautiful face , at her cheeks made pink by his kisses .
22 She pulled back and smiled nervously .
23 Marron hair pulled back and clipped over her ears , falling freely behind ; lack of make-up bestowing a pallor which dramatised her generous brown eyes ; petite mouth and jaunty nose , set rather low on the tapered oval of her face , thus emphasising the curved hauteur of her forehead .
24 What he pulled out and flung on the bed were garments of his own : a thick jacket and breeches and boots .
25 Then he pulled out and began to overtake again .
26 He pulled out and turned Richard over and lifted his hips and entered him again .
27 You will find that this can not be pulled out in error ( who has not picked a bit of wool out only to find that it was the marker ! ) and it can either be pulled up tight later as a permanent marker or pulled out and used again .
28 This can then bc pulled out and opened out as the occasion demands .
29 For example , if you use what was the dining room for a work room/study as well , you should either have a round table which can be piled with books when necessary , a table set off-centre , or a drop-leaf table that can be pulled out and set up in the centre of the room as required .
30 This was the view expressed by Anne Smith about Bellerby Feast which , like so many other traditions , was tottering on the very brink of extinction in 1985 when it was pulled back and had new life breathed into it .
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