Example sentences of "pull [adv prt] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In emergency the person in the seat next to you may be allowed to indicate ‘ slow down ’ by moving his straight right arm gently up and down in front of him ( not in front of you ! ) ; then you will find a place to pull in and stop .
2 There were a couple of men standing there by the door , waiting for the train to pull in and stop .
3 Use your mirrors , on narrow or winding roads or where there is a lot of oncoming traffic , drivers of large or slow moving vehicles should be prepared to pull in and slow down to stop as soon as there is suitable opportunity , well , before you take off or turn left or turn right , or slow down or stop , use your mirrors , you should always look behind even if they 're none , a motor cycle should always look behind either , then give the appropriate signal if necessary , remember the routine
4 The Audi was only yards from her now and Donna decided to pull in and let it pass .
5 He said she was to go to Ludgate Circus , stand on the south corner of Fleet Street at 6.30 p.m. and wait for a cab to pull in and pick her up .
6 that it was only er a face up , it were n't to pull down and rebuild
7 Do n't ignore this legal obligation , otherwise you could be ordered to pull down or open up work for inspection at your expense .
8 And erm Claire spoke to him first of all , and we decided to pull over and talk to this chap cos he was going on and on , and I said to her
9 Never do if I was ordered to pull over and blow into a bag . ’
10 But only when I reached the washed sky of the Thames did I dare to pull over and negotiate my fear .
11 If parents have managed to instil in their child a sense of his own worth as an individual , then , whatever knocks that child may encounter as an adult , he will have the inner confidence which will enable him to pull through and make a success of his life — success in this context having nothing to do with money but with achieving one 's aims as an individual , whatever they may be .
12 hang on to somebody elses tail lights , it gives us a false sense of security watch your speed , you may be going much faster than you think , do not speed up to get away from the vehicle which is too close behind you , remember that if you 're driving with heavy people it may take longer to pull up and speed on ahead , warning signals or
13 The Gardeners ' Manual has been designed to pull out and collect , so you can always keep it close at hand with your other gardening reference books .
14 The Gardeners ' Manual has bee designed to pull out and collect , so you can always keep it close at hand with your other gardening reference books .
15 There 's over 120 pages of invaluable advice and inspiration plus an informative Gardeners ' Manual to pull out and collect .
16 Teach your child cross stitch I 'll cross stitch charts to pull out and keep .
17 Was there another car ahead , waiting to pull out and sandwich them with the Peugeot coming up behind ?
18 It would off been o okay if I just been able to pull out and drive down the road
19 Hall still appears ready to pull out and spark another power switch .
20 If these searches turn up anything untoward , you will have the chance to pull out or renegotiate a new price .
21 Long before it was time to fire he realized that he would have to pull out or crash ; below fifty feet there would be no recovering , not from this angle , not at this speed .
22 ‘ Wait , my lovely , ’ he breathed , and took his eyes from her wanting , flushed face , to pull back and stare as though transfixed at the throbbing globes of her breasts .
23 In this situation you are bound to pull back and apply the aileron and rudder to stop the nose and wing from dropping .
24 This pact called for the rival forces , confronting each other in the south of the city , to pull back and allow a neutral force under the control of the interim government to establish a buffer zone .
25 Thorfinn said , ‘ Why should we lose men ? ’ and had the signal blown : to pull back and allow the enemy to withdraw .
26 They also like activities as well reflectors , where they can stand back and watch and listen to others as well and sometimes within a group activity they actually like to pull back and listen to what others are saying .
27 Funding for general ecumenical efforts has decreased as denominations see the need to pull back and develop their own ministry rather than provide cooperative support .
28 Changing the angle that the sail makes with the wind by pulling in or letting out the back hand .
29 In all the really agricultural villages and parts of the kingdom , there is a shocking decay ; a great dilapidation and constant pulling down or falling down of houses .
30 ‘ No , they 're in a room behind the cinema , ’ he said , pulling up and showing me a light in a doorway , up some steps .
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