Example sentences of "forward [conj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Seats that can face wither forward or to the rear are standard on many models , which is useful as the seat will have a longer utility value .
2 Leaning the body forward or to the side may result in a weakened balance , thus negating the effectiveness of the technique .
3 He 's more forward than at the same time last season . ’
4 Too hungry and cold to care what awaited him inside Jamie staggered forward and into the man 's arms .
5 This group was constantly moving forward and as a result obscured our view of parts of the ground .
6 So surely we got to tidy up our own act before we go further forward and as a trade union surely we are to fight unemployment .
7 He motioned Karlinsky forward and with a generous flourish directed him up the three steps on to the small platform in front of the Ark of the Law where a lectern had been placed .
8 A middle-aged woman with cropped grey hair was in the pool , apparently supervising the party , but even as Rachel watched in amazement the figure behind the chair stepped forward and with a shock she saw it was David .
9 In the 84th minute Ferguson out on the right picked up a pass , took two strides forward and with a ferociously hit shot found the target .
10 The safety-belt held me back as I jerked forward and at the same second heard the ghastly clash of metal hitting metal .
11 The man tumbled on forward and over the edge of the track , a scattering of rocks heard through his scream and the splash as he hit the water eighty feet below .
12 Erm asking for permission to put their names forward and from the , the few letters we had the , this was that we thought was the whitest knights in terms of Geography in terms of sex in terms of I would n't say intelligence , perhaps I should try to impress them !
13 So we edged forward and in the middle of the archway and there was about that much and it would n't go .
14 I motion him away and he glides the car twenty yards forward and round the corner .
15 ‘ Miss Garland , ’ sang out the woman in lilac , and the frog princess , sucking her sweet without fear , went forward and inside the door .
16 The man trembled with rage , leaning slightly forward because of the strain on his collar .
17 This is the classic position , and with only the bat to be raised the batsman is in position to move back or forward while at the same time able to focus on the ball .
18 Many theories have been put forward as to the origin of AIDS but there is no scientific agreement .
19 Adult opinion has swung back and forward as to the value of one method or another and sheer fashion plays a part in determining feeding methods from one generation — or one decade — to the next .
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