Example sentences of "set of [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 As far as magistrates ' courts are concerned , both their jurisdiction and their sentencing powers are limited by law , but a considerable degree of optionality is built into the system for determining the distribution of business between the two sets of criminal courts .
2 Easton 's section police have two sets of primary typifications : one categorizing trouble-makers , the other the abnormal .
4 They were further reinforced by two sets of external pressures of almost equal strength .
5 All facilities in Pizazz Plus are accessed via sets of user-friendly menus which make it easy to achieve your objective .
6 Differences also emerge between the two sets of acridine-tethered complexes .
8 Describes a cell that has two sets of homologous chromosomes .
9 For example , 0:55w2(5q/5e) means that you will run 55 minutes and in the middle of the workout , do two sets of five minutes at a quick pace followed by five minutes at an easy pace .
10 Next , we stack up the eight sets of five columns ( period/output/ res price/ σ/k); on top of each other to form a data matrix five columns wide and 64 rows long .
11 Areas of shapes , based on unit side length are : Square : 1.00000 triangle : 0.43301 hexagon : 2.59808 octagon : 4.8284 duodecagon : 11.19615 The square based grid at bottom left uses pentominoes : simply connected sets of five squares .
12 if you have , cos what , what happens is if you put A and B it erm it parallels them off , so if you 've got two sets of four amps it 's in two rows
13 If any member has any pictures of the Bishop 's Castle Railway , other than the two sets of four photos that the Society has issued , we would be very grateful for details .
14 In the table below we would , working downwards , get the numbers 29 , 41 , 23 , 5 , 27 , 7 , 25 , 35 , 3 , and 8. 2952 9792 7979 7002 8126 4167 2762 7203 5911 6111 2370 6107 3563 5356 3170 0560 9025 6008 1089 1300 ( The above twenty sets of four digits are taken from L. H. C. Tippett 's Random Sampling Numbers which gives a further 10.380 sets . )
15 In contrast , an antiparallel structure will lead to two sets of intra-tetrad NOEs ( associating G3 with G4 , and G2 with G5 ) .
16 All have safety-glasses fitted which double as diffusers , and most incorporate sets of hinged flaps , called barn doors , which are used to direct the beam .
17 The Doric temple became early popular in the western colonies and many more sets of archaic metopes are known from this area than from the homelands .
18 One example , suggesting that we may be able mentally to rotate objects , was mentioned at the end of the last chapter , and a second , in this one , demonstrated that we do in fact recognize sets of similar markings ( note that a psychological demonstration that we can do something , and an account of a calculation which would enable us to do so , are quite different things ) .
19 Thanks for suggesting this month 's solo go to Mr J. Webb from Barking , Essex ; a couple of sets of Scalar strings , courtesy of Clive Norris at Selectron U.K. will be sent soon !
20 A couple of sets of Scalar strings , courtesy of Clive Norris at Selectron U.K. will be on their way to you soon .
21 A couple of sets of Scalar strings , courtesy of Selectron , will be winging their way to you soon !
22 My thanks for suggesting this month 's solo go to Mr. F. Donavan from Milton Keynes ; a couple of sets of Scalar strings , courtesy of Clive Norris at Selectron , will be sent on their way to you soon .
23 A couple of sets of Scalar strings courtesy of Clive Norris at Selectron are winging their way to him as we speak .
24 Many thanks for suggesting this solo go to Mr S. Adams from Plaistow , London — a couple of sets of Scalar strings courtesy of Clive Norris at Selectron will be on their way to you soon …
25 Strong world views , such as strong religious beliefs , imply strong sets of associated values .
26 This inevitably means that in each generation the loss of individuals from the population through mortality prior to breeding or through failure to breed , eliminates not isolated genes but sets of associated genes from the pool of genes that represents the total population of that species .
27 With the Oxford system , however , a distinct interface existed between the two sets of rival fans , and although kept apart by police and fences .
28 Both sets of rear doors were thrown open to form a screen between the two vehicles .
29 In 1619 William joined Pavier in an attempt to publish plays by and attributed to Shakespeare , apparently intending to sell them in sets of nine volumes .
30 Two groups received intensive training over two years in recognising the common sounds in sets of simple words represented by pictures .
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