Example sentences of "statement such [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 On neurophysiological grounds one would expect there to be considerable differences between different individuals with regard to the most effective channels of learning ; therefore , one must regard statements such as that quoted with a certain amount of scepticism .
2 To illustrate this with some further examples , there is surely nothing odd or unintelligible in statements such as that Dickens 's Micawber was a real life character , i.e. actually existed , that Napoleon actually existed , that Carthage once existed but no longer does , etc .
3 Because teachers often can not answer the question of why they teach as they do and because they refer to statements such as that they just know what to do or have a feeling or sense about what to do , it has been suggested that what guides teachers in making sense of their work and what commits them to action is a mixture of " personal knowledge , tacit knowledge , routine knowledge … when conscious thought is not permitted the time to percolate and inform practice " ( Simons and Elliott 1989 ) .
4 Miss Boothroyd said : ‘ I deprecate the use of the pursuant device by ministers to make written statements such as this without proper notice to the House . ’
5 While statements such as this invited the charge that factual evidence was becoming confounded with too-hasty interpretation , the basic thesis survived and has been strengthened by other workers not of the psychoanalytic school : notably the ethologists and zoologists , as well as child psychologists ( Lorenz , 1952 ; Harlow , 1961 ; Schaffer and Emerson , 1964 ) .
6 Naïve unsophisticated statements such as these marked a regeneration which perhaps must be experienced by more than a handful of prisoners if we are to care enough about civilization to want to save it .
7 Statements such as these reflected growing confidence and optimism among members of the profession ; the conviction that state-backed medicine , as opposed to voluntary and charitable effort , provided the ultimate solution to pressing social problems .
8 In certain circumstances the trial judge might feel that the facts relating to the making of statements such as those made in this case to Mr. O'Hanlon were so unusual as to justify him in directing the prosecution to furnish them to the defence , but this must be a matter within the discretion of the trial judge .
9 If ratifying the Protocol is viewed as the conferral of rights on the treaty parties under Article 36 of the Vienna Convention , those States can decide whether to accept the rights , and might object to a statement such as that made by the Soviet Union on this basis .
10 A statement such as this is the ultimate product of Aden .
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