Example sentences of "due to a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Likewise , scorch marks on kitchen worktops due to a hot pan being placed on a worktop is not considered as fire damage .
2 Having lost several pints of blood due to a nasal haemorrhage , he was much too weak to continue .
3 The SSPCA said it was distressed that an extreme case of animal cruelty has failed due to a procedural error .
4 The electric field due to a varying magnetic field
5 The caution was due to a dark cloud on Airtours ' horizon : the rumour of a possible price war .
6 However , even this breaks down in some cases — for instance , in the form of hypercholesterolaemia due to a low density lipoprotein receptor defect , the pathology is quantitative , and introducing a normal gene may improve the prognosis , even in adults in whom the disease is dominant .
7 An eventual 9.5 point gain on the Footsie to 2600.5 was mainly due to a strong early-session bounce on Wall Street .
8 It is therefore arguable that the tendency towards singular reference with the mixed-descriptions is at least in part due to a strong tendency for named characters to be used as thematic subjects or main characters in continuations , although there is a small first-mention effect .
9 Look are you , are you looking second sentence , Jemma 's second sentence : This is due to a strong and sweet smell , in middle English it says , by cause of virtues and sweet smell and savour .
10 Due to a recent rule change , players who fail at the pre-qualifying stage can now return to amateur competition .
11 Due to a recent change in the law , Holland may become a clearing house for international art thefts .
12 On Oct. 23 the Nigerian news media reported that peace talks between the Sudanese government and the southern rebel Sudanese People 's Liberation Army ( SPLA ) had been postponed due to a recent split within the SPLA leadership .
13 Mr Grace had recently suffered an injured arm due to a recent car accident and could not swim .
14 He , who had been fêted in Munich , had talked with the elector and other noblemen , and been treated with the respect due to a great artist , now had to take his place in the archiepiscopal pecking-order — below the valets , and only slightly higher than the cooks .
15 The success of the Three-Ninetieth was due to a great team moulded together by superb leadership .
16 Moffatt , whose long lay-off was due to a facial injury , made it eight wins in a row ( five inside the distance ) by forcing Dhalie into retirement at the end of the fourth round with a damaged shoulder .
17 A WOMAN who was told she could never have children due to a rare disease has just given birth to a daughter .
18 She was said to be the most handicapped person in Britain at that time , since , due to a rare muscular disease , she was paralysed throughout her whole body except in her big toe .
19 Partly misinterpreting this as due to a favourable relative demand shift the typical supplier increases output to take advantage of what ( wrongly ) appears to be a high relative price .
20 The trade balance on alcoholic drinks is in surplus , entirely due to a favourable trade balance in Scotch Whisky of £1.8 billion ( Figure 5.5 ) .
21 Of claimants who had a clinical examination , 90% were satisfied while 7% were dissatisfied — mainly due to a perceived lack of thoroughness .
22 The formalist critic dismisses her as a serious contender for the mantle of ‘ modern artist ’ due to a perceived lack of innovation and refusal of the essentialist mandate of formalism .
23 Within the West German Bundeswehr ( the armed forces ) there was falling morale due to a perceived decline in popular support .
24 The main trouble with the scheme is that we can not be sure that an apparent X effect is not due to a differential influence of some extraneous factor(s) on the S 1 and S 2 groups .
25 One of the principal concerns emerging from scenarios of regional climates which may be experienced due to a carbon-dioxide-induced warmer earth is that of warmer and drier conditions in the Corn Belt of the United States , especially since much of the world food market depends upon the availability of grain from that country .
26 Switches and pots can also become noisy due to a small voltage leak across the transmitter 's input .
27 But if it is due to a small proportion of an impurity it can usually be dealt with by careful purification or by exposing the sample to the laser beam for some time ( a process called photo-bleaching ) .
28 Towards the end of his life he told Osbert Sitwell ; ‘ Any talent I may have was due to a long illness as a boy , which afforded me time to think , and subsequent ill-health , because I was not allowed to play games , and so had to teach myself , for my enjoyment , to use my eyes instead of my feet . ’
29 The delay was partly due to a long and very public debate between PADA and ARROW , a group of residents from Woodchurch , the estate where heroin use was first discovered , who were unhappy about such a centre being opened near their homes , fearing it would attract various sorts of trouble .
30 It is also due to a long term and possibly accelerating rise in demand .
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