Example sentences of "used [to-vb] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 My parents used to sit and talk about going to live there permanently one day !
2 I used to sit and watch him for hours , painstakingly working on a painting , and , following his example , I would push myself harder and harder to make my own drawings better .
3 I used to sit and help me mother to do it .
4 So we used to sit and listen and try to work out what was going on , which gave the Lone Ranger even more mystery .
5 He used to sit and say all sorts of terrible things .
6 On warm days those of the hospital 's old people who were still mobile used to sit and chatter under the tree in front of the building , watching the passers-by .
7 Before she used to sit and worry because she had nothing to worry about .
8 Yet , according to much of the advertising used to promote and sell these products , that 's exactly what should happen .
9 But the Strike was , well we had the pit ponies up , and er we always used to go and feed them , and then we went , of course , to chapel for meals .
10 Used to go and feed the pigs .
11 He worked in but he used to go and relieve the sailors and firemen in the steam boats he used to go you know .
12 Why , for example , one of the , the points that Freud 's book makes , is er when Wilson was confronted with a conflict , particularly with a stronger male , like an elder brother , or his father , he would retreat into speech making , and apparently he used to have a barn where he did it , and he used to go and give speeches in the barn .
13 But er we survived it and erm er another my father was a was a born countryman and er during his time he used to go and do a bit of er poaching .
14 I used to go and watch the Buzzcocks with him .
15 the butcher , on the corner of Street , the little tiny grocers where you used to go and fe your mother used to go and fetch her groceries , and if she spent three shillings in the shop she was a good customer .
16 You know the man in charge of them was they called him , always used to go and fetch him to go if they needed er or somebody lost their passes and .
17 Oh yes I used to go and fetch the er erm I used to go into every week , oh there was the maypole next to as well .
18 I used to go and fetch the , the butter from do n't bring margarine my father used to say we put better stuff on our machines so er I used to go to for my father kept foul , I used to fetch a peck of , bushel of this and a bushel of , you know all the various things that , bran and stuff for the foul yes , yes and I believe a lady , she has , she 's only recently died and but she kept it for a long long while Elsie her name was .
19 But still they used to go and fetch meat , there used to be horse slaughterers near
20 And then before that boys used to go and gather cockles in the sand outside er not here , other side of you know .
21 He had some lovely tartan coloured rugs which I used to go and admire over at Clove Lodge , where he would take lodgings for the night .
22 alright he 's met you for five minutes but he 's come here I said this gang of children , I said the poor bugger 's not going to know what hit him I said alright if it 's just for Sally 's three I said he 's gon na be , he 's not gon na be relaxed I said I know that for a fact I said I know what it was like when I used to go and visit your people when I was
23 Peter Nieswand used to go and interview him for the BBC , sitting as I did beside his swimming pool , looking across the lawn on to six miles of fine farm-land .
24 But erm we used to have a little shed , a little hut in the pit yard , where we used to go and pay our dues , every week
25 used to go and pay it .
26 so I , I used to , he used to take me home and then he used to go and stand in the queue
27 up they threw out onto a dust heap and I used to go and sort out all these bits and er
28 Used to go and sit down .
29 ‘ We used to go and sit in the park , on the river bank , and she 'd have a book and I 'd have a book …
30 I sometimes used to go and sit and draw with my Father in his study and he would always encourage my work and often pass on his own useful tips on technique for which I was and still am very grateful .
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