Example sentences of "used [to-vb] [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 The org the organist used to carry it for a long way .
2 And I think and perhaps when I was younger I used to buy it for Derek , but I would n't go there now , no .
3 I might still have the odd tin of some oval golden tablets , big as gooseberries , which we used to give them for worms .
4 We had to cook our own meals because the housemother was n't living in ; we used to do everything for ourselves .
5 Or if you have to have , I used to do it for erm West Bro , er Northampton Brewery .
6 ‘ There 's another kind of acoustic string we make , one my father used to make under the D'Arco name before he sold the company to Martin , and that 's a semi-polished acoustic string , halfway between a round-wound and a flat-wound ; a lot of the old archtop guitar players used to use them for recording .
7 flower gardens they used to use them for , some people would probably grow small things like lettuce and salads and things of that nature .
8 Dad , dad used to use it for the bonfires but when he , when he did n't have any petrol he used to use it on the bonfire and he had it in a secret bottle and erm he got it too near and he did n't realize and all of a sudden it goes really really hot and he threw it and everywhere .
9 You used to solve them for Hubert Devenish , did n't you ? ’
10 A chap named , ooh , Harry , he used to keep it for a long while , and er then of course , th the post office was on the er , opposite side of the road to where it is now .
11 I do n't know but he would n't , he would n't have it cooked aboard there , my mother used to cook it for him and I 'd stagger down in an ordinary shopping basket , in two basins there 'd be vegetables in one and his pudding and gravy in the other and I used to take that down for him and he used to come ashore and he used to then go and have it .
12 The ribbed and pimpled gas fire whose anglepoise heat I used to dress myself for school had been supplanted by a black eggbasket of counterfeit coal .
13 Oh yes , I used to save it for the garden too .
14 I used to do that when my gran used to , when I was a little girl when erm , my grandmother used to make cakes and she always used to save it for for me .
15 And on that side , what we fireplace it used to be what we used to call a boiler , you used to fill it with water and it used to the fire used to heat it for you to take it we used to call what we used to call ladle it out into a a bowl to wash your pots with or wash your floor with or anything with .
16 We used to get them for one penny the pack in the navy .
17 People used to get them for their children and
18 As feminists , we need to have a way of looking at this work which makes us think about whose shattered lives and suffering produced the money used to pay her for her paintings — namely the poor rural workers of Britain and Ireland and the enslaved African peoples working in the West Indies and the American colonies .
19 And of course then when she had done it they used to fold it up they used to just get it then and go like that you know , and just fold it up and then when it was done all done you see , they 'd take it back to this here lady and then of course they used to pay you for it .
20 But they used to ask me for things but I thought there were enough s erm shops here really .
21 He used to ask us for the pearl off our coats , collars , put on the horses , make 'em all .
22 we used to charge them for using our overhead and erm , so I suppose trolley buses were used here because it was so convenient .
23 We used to take him for walks , and this could be embarrassing , for we had to shout very loudly in an attempt at conversation .
24 The pet shop where his grandad had bought him his hamster called Hammer and his goldfish called Sickle and where his nan used to take them for resurrection when they died .
25 Emily and Anne had dogs , and they used to take them for walks on the moors .
26 The toilet was er at the back of what we used to call the brew house it was n't a kitchen it was a brew house , and er the , the toilet was at the back of the brew house adjacent to the old ash pit , which was an ash pit in those days it was filled up and when it was filled , they used to come at night and empty the ash pit wheel up the entry it might be there for three or four months and you got flies , bluebottles all sorts in the hot weather you know , I could n't try my shoes on sometimes , but er it was a bit , well I suppose in those days they used to take it for granted , it was a bit primitive it was n't the best five houses in the area , but er
27 If ever he used to take us for a spare lesson , all he used to do was draw on the blackboard the scrum lineouts and things .
28 ‘ They used to advocate it for withdrawing heroin addicts — naturally they had little success .
29 N nowadays I hear erm or the lads who have been they go out They 've been working with contractor and they say how different it is when your mother was alive , everybody who came here they they used to join us for their dinner .
30 The water for drinking they used to collect from the gutters and erm it used to go into big barrels and then they used to boil it for a long while .
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