Example sentences of "end up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We 'll make a hypothetical traverse from Easter Island on the East Pacific Rise ( an oceanic ridge , remember ) right across South America as far as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge , so we 'll be starting at one plate margin , crossing a second and ending up at a third , each of them , of course , marked by a major belt of seismic activity [ see Fig. 2 ] .
2 Susan 's eyes grew wide as Maggie told her about her ride on the telegraph pole , ending up at The Haven where she 'd been rescued by Bryce .
3 On the academic site , detailed tephrachronology makes it possible to study patterns in the behaviour of volcanoes — the magma erupted from one volcano may become steadily more acid , or it may show cyclical changes , or it may even vary consistently during each eruption , starting off fairly basic and ending up at the close of the eruption much more acid .
4 A RUGBY fan broke her leg after ending up at the bottom of a ruck which spilled over the sideline .
5 Howard went on to introduce his staff and patients , before ending up at the Doctor and Ace .
6 Airacomet 44–22633 flew out of Edwards in the late 1940s , finally ending up on a target range along with some sister ‘ 59s .
7 Die Grünen has been described by Petra Kelly as an ‘ anti-party party ’ , and getting into bed with them might be a guarantee of ending up on the floor .
8 FLOORS Wherever there is water or liquid , there is the danger of it ending up on the floor and causing you to slip .
9 We try to tackle the problem at all ends — to prevent young people ending up on the streets , to provide a roof over their heads , and to search for long-term solutions .
10 As a result , they feel themselves not only homeless but in a total existential crisis — ending up on the dossers circuit removes the last residues of respectability .
11 I know you see which side my fence is buttered , and if I can bring to football the organisational skills that have made me such a big fish in retailing , then Athletico Whaddon need have no fear of ending up on the slab .
12 There is quite a history of individual countries backing a particular group , taking a particular line , and it all ending up on the battlefield .
13 For members of the nobility the struggles of Lancaster and York could have drastic results , particularly for those who incurred forfeiture through ending up on the losing side ; although attainders could be reversed and lands restored , this might take a long time ( 130 , Ch.5 ) .
14 So , you 'll be ending up on the breadline worse than ever
15 Most clients who require the sale and purchase to run side by side , will be worried about ending up with no house at all , or two houses .
16 Weary constituency and trade union delegates , queuing for a cup of tea and a sandwich , constantly risk ending up with a signed copy of someone 's memoirs .
17 He subjected both to repeated analysis , ending up with a version of Maria Luisa in which she is transformed into a sharp-beaked , staring owl , and of Francisco Lezcano in which he has metamorphosed into a dog .
18 A neat bit of rewriting there ; the real Richard was one of the leaders of the Second Crusade which laid waste to Palestine , before ending up with a score-draw against the Arabs whose land he was invading .
19 And ending up with a thumping great lie .
20 I recently bought a Series IIA ex-military Land Rover with the intention of completely rebuilding it over the next few years ending up with a vehicle that will last for years to come .
21 He 'd shaken up Evans , first bawling him out then ending up with a show of confidence in him with the Havana .
22 A fast stage-coach could now cover over a hundred miles in a single day , good roads and weather permitting , though comfort was not necessarily to be looked for and there was an outside chance of ending up with a foul-mouthed and drunken coachman for the length of the journey .
23 The problem I get asked about most is ending up with a seam that is not the correct length , or is wavy .
24 Clearly , unless these features are defined with precision , there is a danger of ending up with a tautological explanation : what is recent must also be novel because it is recent .
25 He categorizes the transformation of the inexpressible " visceral " need through four stages , ending up with a " compromised " need which requires extensive negotiation with the assistance of a librarian to come close to fulfilling the original visceral need .
26 Liam Conway , Claire Breslin , Adrian Rouiller and Margaret McConkey , all of AIB Dublin , made a formidable line up behind Martin , finally ending up with a total of 889 in the crucial last game .
27 It 's interesting to note that actually now we 've since made that decision the residual has as I 've said come down to nine four seven , so if we do have a new settlement of fourteen hundred we 're already ending up with a a higher level of proposed development for Greater York now , the nine seven would obviously be exceeded if we had a fourteen hundred new settlement within Greater York .
28 The best move was a forty yard pass from Macca , touched on by Deane to Wallace , I think ending up with a shot from Rocky .
29 ‘ Then I 'll get some , ’ she decided on the spot , and embarked on a small spending spree , ending up with a bottle of Becherovka , a bottle of plum brandy called Slivovitz and a presentation box of some sweet wafer biscuits called Oplatky which were traditional to the area .
30 She 's ending up with a getting on to job centres and all that , you know .
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