Example sentences of "end [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Susan 's eyes grew wide as Maggie told her about her ride on the telegraph pole , ending up at The Haven where she 'd been rescued by Bryce .
2 On the academic site , detailed tephrachronology makes it possible to study patterns in the behaviour of volcanoes — the magma erupted from one volcano may become steadily more acid , or it may show cyclical changes , or it may even vary consistently during each eruption , starting off fairly basic and ending up at the close of the eruption much more acid .
3 A RUGBY fan broke her leg after ending up at the bottom of a ruck which spilled over the sideline .
4 Howard went on to introduce his staff and patients , before ending up at the Doctor and Ace .
5 Die Grünen has been described by Petra Kelly as an ‘ anti-party party ’ , and getting into bed with them might be a guarantee of ending up on the floor .
6 FLOORS Wherever there is water or liquid , there is the danger of it ending up on the floor and causing you to slip .
7 We try to tackle the problem at all ends — to prevent young people ending up on the streets , to provide a roof over their heads , and to search for long-term solutions .
8 As a result , they feel themselves not only homeless but in a total existential crisis — ending up on the dossers circuit removes the last residues of respectability .
9 I know you see which side my fence is buttered , and if I can bring to football the organisational skills that have made me such a big fish in retailing , then Athletico Whaddon need have no fear of ending up on the slab .
10 There is quite a history of individual countries backing a particular group , taking a particular line , and it all ending up on the battlefield .
11 For members of the nobility the struggles of Lancaster and York could have drastic results , particularly for those who incurred forfeiture through ending up on the losing side ; although attainders could be reversed and lands restored , this might take a long time ( 130 , Ch.5 ) .
12 So , you 'll be ending up on the breadline worse than ever
13 Quite often she 'd make a grab , I 'd move with her and there would be a tug'o'war , ending up with the food breaking or her giving up .
14 Various high-ranking people , ending up with the governor himself , turned up , asking them to go to bed , but they would n't go .
15 TEENAGE girls are ending up with the bones of old women because of eating disorders which are producing ‘ horrifying results ’ , a doctor said yesterday .
16 Questions biting at her like rats , ending up with the sharpest bite of all .
17 But they argue that factors such as regional variations , better Tory organisation in marginal constituencies and the ‘ incumbency ’ factor where sitting MPs are defending seats , could result in the Conservatives ending up as the largest party , if not with a narrow overall majority .
18 As we entered the kitchen Pat looked up at the roof and the large gaping hole caused by a shell that had passed through two floors then smashed through the kitchen door , ending up in the garden .
19 Who 's been gossiping to you about her running away with the married man when she was fifteen and ending up in the Daily Record ?
20 Or the black Broadway actor who always fears ending up in the gutter .
21 So should not the law be changed immediately to prevent the likes of Dr Cox ending up in the dock ?
22 While a gravel tidy with too fine a mesh will soon block , one with too large a mesh can see the fry ending up in the gravel bed below and the parents trying to get at them .
23 In general , they tend to follow a more or less logical sequence , starting at the top with a headline ( assuming it is there ) and ending up in the bottom right-hand corner .
24 If a pregnancy is pre-marital , it trebles the relative risk of a couple ending up in the local authority sector rather than the owner-occupied one ( Murphy , 1983 ) .
25 With a sharp pang of defeat , he noticed Benny dive headlong through the weakened window , ending up in the water below with a huge splash .
26 Beautiful cover showing a window opening into the past for this time travel tale about an Oxford student stepping back into the Middle Ages to finish her thesis and ending up in the middle of the plague .
27 Connections of Laurel Queen , Walking The Plank and Buzzards Bellbuoy the trio to sneak in at the bottom of the race will have to send them a percentage if ending up in the money .
28 After that I went regularly , though every home game , even ending up in the ‘ Scratching Shed ’ which was the old South Stand with a full crowd of Man .
29 ‘ I 'm not surprised ! ’ the other girl agreed sympathetically , having just heard from Laura the full story of her traumatic outing , which had culminated in her being arrested and ending up in the New York police station .
30 A happier fate than ending up in the cooking pot at Berkeley Castle .
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