Example sentences of "p. [num] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Had he been less brilliant or sure of himself , he would have been easier to dismiss , but Cooper selected his victims with care , knowing precisely where their weaknesses were , and always aimed to draw blood , each review increasing his enemies within the international art establishment ( see The Art Newspaper , No. 17 , April 1992 , p. 2 for his dealings with John Rothenstein ) .
2 The IIF cautiously welcomed the debt-reduction agreements struck with Mexico and the Philippines [ see p. 37243 ; p. 37580 for their respective finalization ] , but it pointed out that the two countries had continued to service their obligations during negotiation of the deals , in contrast with other middle-income debtor nations seeking relief under the plan .
3 An assizes court in Paris on June 15 , 1990 , sentenced Rolf Dobbertin , a German-born nuclear physicist who had worked for the French National Council for Scientific Research ( CNRS ) , to 12 years ' imprisonment for espionage for East Germany during the 10 years to January 1979 [ see p. 29786 for his arrest in 1979 and p. 33867 for his release in 1983 ] .
4 Chipenda had earlier resigned as election organizer for the MPLA [ see p. 38949 for his election to MPLA central committee and political bureau ] , saying that he had not been given sufficient funds for the campaign and citing a " lack of the necessary trust and openness " in the party .
5 Athens could not ignore this , and an indecisive battle ( Tanagra ) followed by a decisive one ( Oinophyta ) gave Athens control of Boiotia till 446 ( see p. 43 for her ‘ land empire ’ ambitions , and for Sparta 's desire to set up Thebes as a counterweight to Athens ) .
6 An assizes court in Paris on June 15 , 1990 , sentenced Rolf Dobbertin , a German-born nuclear physicist who had worked for the French National Council for Scientific Research ( CNRS ) , to 12 years ' imprisonment for espionage for East Germany during the 10 years to January 1979 [ see p. 29786 for his arrest in 1979 and p. 33867 for his release in 1983 ] .
7 The EC Commissioner for the Environment , Carlo Ripa di Meana , refused to attend UNCED in protest at the Community 's failure to agree a joint policy programme on the key summit issues and especially a carbon tax [ see p. 38943 for his resignation on becoming Italian Environment Minister ] .
8 The Soviet Union had sent a memorandum on Oct. 11 to UN Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuellar , urging that this committee should meet at the level of chiefs of staff [ see p. 37640 for its reactivation in August ] .
9 A proposal by French President François Mitterrand to strengthen UN peacekeeping functions by reactivating the UN Military Staff Committee , composed of senior military officers from the five permanent members of the Security Council [ see p. 37640 for its August 1990 meeting over the Gulf crisis ] , failed to win support , reportedly due to Franco-US disagreement over the command of UN peacekeeping forces .
10 Gen. Sagadat Nurmagambetov , chair of the Committee [ see p. 38538 for his appointment in October 1991 , when he was initially described as Defence Minister ] , was promoted to the rank of Col.-Gen. and appointed Kazakhstan 's Defence Minister .
11 Domenico Sica , the High Commissioner responsible for co-ordinating the fight against the Mafia [ see p. 36433 for his appointment in August 1988 ] , was in March 1990 accused of having exceeded his powers , in that he had conducted rather than co-ordinated police investigations [ see pp. 36433 ; 37096 ] .
12 On Nov. 8 the Independent National Patriotic Front of Liberia ( INPFL ) led by Prince Yormie Johnson announced that it was rejoining the interim government [ see p. 38379 for its withdrawal in August ] .
13 Reiner Gohlke , executive president of the Treuhandanstalt ( trustee agency ) which had responsibility for overseeing the restructuring of the state-owned businesses in East Germany , resigned on Aug. 20 because of policy disagreements with other members of the governing board [ see p. 37536 for his appointment where his post is wrongly given as chair ] .
14 The main issue on the agenda of the Russian Congress of People 's Deputies , which opened in Moscow on July 10 with Yeltsin 's formal inauguration as Russian President [ see p. 38273 for his election in June ] , was the election of a chairman to the Supreme Soviet ( standing parliament ) to replace Yeltsin who resigned from this post on becoming President .
15 In addition Devi Lal , the former Deputy Prime Minister [ see p. 37653 for his dismissal in August ] , used the opportunity to launch a series of attacks on Singh and on Sept. 30 he resigned his Lok Sabha ( lower house of parliament ) seat in protest at the " style , timing and manner " of the implementation of the Mandal Commission recommendations .
16 It is of interest that the Law Commission , at p. 33 of their report , were of the view that service of a demand was implicit in section 10 of the Act of 1957 .
17 President Yang Shangkun visited Indonesia on June 5-10 [ see p. 38293 for his subsequent visit to Thailand ] .
18 Two days later a new political movement was formed joining the defunct PSU and the Nouvelle Gauche ( a dissident communist movement established at the time of the 1988 presidential elections and led by Pierre Juquin — see p. 35979 for his candidature ) .
19 There followed talks between Kim and Lee Ki Taek , the leader of the eight-member Democratic Party ( which was already engaged in merger negotiations with the PPD — see p. 37375 for its emergence following formation of DLP ) concerning a co-ordinated mass resignation .
20 The military-backed National Democratic Party ( NDP ) , led by Vice-President and Prime Minister Jules Wijdenbosch [ but see p. 37958 for his resignation in January as NDP chair ] , won 12 seats , a significant improvement on its three seats in the previous Assembly .
21 On Nov. 6 former Prime Minister Saadoun Hammadi [ see p. 38452 for his dismissal in September ] was named adviser to the President with the rank of Cabinet minister .
22 At p. 162 of his judgment Slade L.J .
23 Matiba , a former Cabinet minister , had left Kenya after almost a year in detention [ see p. 37603 for his arrest in July 1990 ] .
24 On April 17 , disregarding Nguza 's order that it should refrain from any attempt to take over the running of the country , the conference adopted sovereign status , and on April 21 the Most Rev. Monsengwo Pasinya was confirmed as chairman of the conference [ see p. 38662 for his election in December 1991 ] .
25 READING ONE : Read the extract on p. 15 at your normal speed .
26 Acting Yugoslav Federal Foreign Secretary Milivoje Maksic retired on April 28 [ see p. 38559 for his appointment in November 1991 ] .
27 Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah was formally installed in Kuala Lumpur as the ninth Yang di-Pertuan Agong on Sept. 19 , 1989 [ see p. 36523 for his election in March ] .
28 On Oct. 17 the 4,200-strong Franco-German joint brigade ( agreed in principle in November 1987 — see p. 35665 ) was formally constituted at a ceremony in Malmsheim , near Stuttgart [ see p. 37212 for its October establishment at partial strength ] .
29 Alush Dragoshi was appointed Attorney General on Dec. 7 [ see p. 39103 for his predecessor 's dismissal ] .
30 The previous incumbent , Alain Poher , stood down at the election at the age of 83 , after 24 years in office [ see p. 22950 for his election ] , but remained a Senator .
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