Example sentences of "cos we have got " in BNC.

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1 Cos we 've got
2 But we now know a little two much for comfort and have to analyse cos we 've got some goal/task to keep us lively .
3 Last comment from Andrew and then we move on cos we 've got a a an agreement in in what we 're gon na put in , we have n't got an agreement as to where we 're gon na put it but Andrew comment ?
4 Cos we 've got ta report on year nine at the en , in before
5 Can I have a look at those menus that some of you brought in did i , cos we 've got some with a la carte did anybody get sort of erm a pub grub menu or No , you all went for the top of the range .
6 So you go into A cos we 've got that disc in .
7 Yeah well we 're gon na stay here cos we 've got quarter of an hour and if you want to listen to this that 's fine , but if you wan na carry on
8 Cos we 've got a tap funnel .
9 We did n't really need to cut it up into so many small pieces i would work but we 'd get two of these each cos we 've got twelve little pieces now and there are only six of us to share it out so we 'd say , Oh well have er we 'll we 'll have two pieces each two twelfths .
10 Cos we 've got
11 Cos we 've got , really we 've got a a lot more that I 'd like to cover .
12 Okay , so if you can give me some suggestions that might , might actually improve , cos we 've got to be seriously thinking that she 's fifty six , this is the other key to it .
13 Cos we 've got this thing after that
14 The club house beautiful cos we 've got
15 Nottingham three four three four three four to ring and er call as well and tell me what you think about that leaf statue and the trees round there cos we 've got the councillors on talking about that after er one o'clock today .
16 Any of you , I mean cos we 've got a very young group this week , myself excluded !
17 Cos we 've got it .
18 Cos we need to cos we need to sort of all hands to the pump next week cos we 've got a big change-over Yeah but I know ink well no cos the leaflet he 's got has only just been approved and it 's going out next week yeah well I mean you 're to ha you 're to handle their enquiries er deal with their enquiries and then tell them to phone yeah yeah yeah but you see it 's the mailing that 's gone out and and then he 's got to do some advertising first two weeks in Feb .
19 Cos we 've got one more person to talk
20 Cos we 've got a response of two .
21 And currently we 've got a hundred and thirty four thousand cos we 've got four days production to build up the surplus .
22 cos we 've got thirty five pallets down at street which then has to be
23 And you have to realize , none of us are there cos we 've got happy smiling faces .
24 cos we 've got ta get back we want some , we want some veg for
25 So they want us to go around at half past one or the two of them can start cos we 've got an addition .
26 Yeah cos we 've got the tape have n't we ?
27 Cos we 've got some extra sort of men
28 Cos we 've got one of those each one of those each one of those each they 're all yours .
29 Cos we 've got the old one at home have n't we ?
30 Cos we 've got the AGM in two weeks time
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