Example sentences of "simply because they have " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps other parties , simply because they have lacked the British Labour party 's advantages , have necessarily had to be more adaptable and willing to make alliances .
2 There are still many buildings that are not listed simply because they have not yet been properly surveyed , or have somehow slipped through the net .
3 This underlines the importance of training schemes in which professionals have opportunities to meet older people who are in charge of their lives , who have something to say and who are not being seen simply because they have overwhelming problems .
4 Families who are desperate for housing are forced to accept bad housing offers simply because they have no other choice .
5 ‘ People like Mrs Harry Brown are accepted in society simply because they have enormous sums of money .
6 I would n't be surprised to learn that many people do now smoke only a quarter of their cigarettes on the bed when worried , simply because they have seen it so often in films .
7 Diachronism is not a phenomenon very much considered by Recent sedimentologists , simply because they have not got time enough to recognise it .
8 and in empirical sorry and in in empirical work we tend to use these nonlinear demand functions simply because they have this nice property that they have constant elasticity , and it makes subsequent calculations considerably easier , and you may think in actual fact that linear demand curves are quite restrictive .
9 Very briefly , on Locke 's account , members of a civil society are obliged to obey the rules of that society simply because they have agreed to do so .
10 Most of you simply because they have no shame , now bringing it round to a spiritual thing , how can we show that we , where it describes there beggars for the spirit , it really means having no shame whatsoever in the truth , never hold back in demanding really , what your requirements are in the way of spiritual things and a good mirror to this is analyze yourself and ask yourself what am I like , am I really a beggar in spirit , what am I like when the magazines come ?
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