Example sentences of "accord to which [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The ITAR-TASS news agency reported on Sept. 8 that Russia had concluded agreements with Byelarus , Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan , according to which Russia would assume these republics ' share of the former Soviet Union 's foreign debt in return for their portion of the Soviet Union 's assets [ for CIS March agreement on payment of ex-Soviet Union 's foreign debt p. 38824 ] .
2 The verbs HAVE and AGREE vary in space according to which person ‘ has ’ the object or agrees .
3 Arrears were to have been resolved by the introduction of the " unified housing benefit " , according to which tenants on supplementary benefit were to be relieved of responsibility for paying their rent by having it siphoned off directly by the DHSS .
4 Legitimacy … does not deal so much with whether activities of government are lawful as whether they accord with what are generally perceived to be or what have for long been held up to be , the fundamental principles of the constitution according to which government is or ought to be conducted .
5 The public good defence for performances which were proved to be ‘ in the interests of drama , opera , ballet or any other art , or of literature or learning ’ omitted the words ‘ or other objects of general concern ’ , thereby rejecting the so-called ‘ therapeutic defence ’ according to which pornography was claimed to be ‘ psychologically beneficial ’ to some persons ‘ in that it relieves their sexual tensions and may divert them from anti-social activities ’ .
6 Thus the argument that ‘ history ’ is what ‘ poststructuralism ’ lacks , itself repeats totalization 's own structure of supplementarity according to which history functions both as an excess and a lack in the origin .
7 About 840 Joash was put on the throne either by Carian or by Cretan mercenaries , according to which interpretation one prefers of II Kings II.4 .
8 But such homosexuality must in some sense be repressed ; overt ‘ masculine ’ homosexuality is subversive , says Irigaray , because it openly interprets the law according to which society operates and in so doing threatens it : ‘ once the penis itself becomes merely a means to pleasure , pleasure among men , the phallus loses its power ’ ( This Sex , 74 , 24 — 8 , 128 , 171 , 192 — 3 ; her emphases ) .
9 Important , too , although not always easy to evaluate , is the evidence which we may call literary , not merely the chronicles , but rather the tracts , pamphlets , newsletters and even poetry through which people expressed their ideas and views , as well as their emotions , on contemporary issues and problems , which might be the need for government to be better managed , hope of peace , or the criteria according to which society 's military leaders should be chosen .
10 Moreover , different and indeed contradictory things happen to B according to which component of A it is that I choose to measure .
11 Gael , who is not religious , holds only with the first half of the double limerick according to which existence depends on being the object of another 's perception .
12 In the provinces of the empire , however , there was no choice of magistrates : the provincial governor ( or a deputy appointed by him ) heard all cases , whether they were based on the civil law or not ; and we can hardly expect that he switched from one procedure to another according to which kind of case he was hearing .
13 According to which procedure you are following , the final preparation of the bud is done immediately before implanting , so into your mouth or implant now accordingly .
14 The cross check of the navigation instrument is included according to which navigation or approach facilities are being used .
15 State organizations can be classified according to which function is furthered by their budgets .
16 To catch the self-employed tax-dodger , there could be a ‘ profession tax ’ — a flat rate paid by every member of the profession in question , with additions according to which income bracket the ruling body of the profession reckons he belongs to .
17 Here he rejected the widely accepted ‘ penal theory ’ , according to which Jesus bore on the cross the punishment which God must exact from sinners if he was once more to be gracious to them .
18 Legal rules are a very important part of the ‘ instructions ’ according to which administrators exercise their powers .
19 Michael Foot is ‘ an elitist parliamentarian ’ , Barbara Castle is ‘ politically greedy ’ , Denis Healey ‘ wobbles about according to which way the wind is blowing ’ .
20 Decisions are taken according to which way the wind blows " , according to Rubem Almeida , president of Greenpeace Brazil .
21 This brick , for example , can give a variety of prints , according to which surface is used .
22 Hence , the quotation marks around the word ‘ doing ’ emphasize that it has a technical meaning in sociology , for lying behind the process is a body of common-sense and official police knowledge which informs the methods and practices according to which activities are done .
23 Sophie 's , Kosta , Steriotis , Avra , Aspasia and Feredinos are ‘ B ’ houses , allocated mainly according to which activity you 're booked on .
24 One is not free to deny that when one 's action actually helps one of the parties then the profit is not a valid reason , for that is to abandon the case and adopt the view of neutrality espoused according to which neutrality is determined by the consequences of one 's action .
25 On the first day of the summit González signed with President Fernando Collor de Mello of Brazil an agreement according to which Spain would made loans and investments of US$3,000 million to Brazil over the next five years , including credits to finance Spanish exports to Brazil .
26 The stage is now set for the introduction of money as the relational element between goods : ‘ Money is the reification of the general form of existence according to which things derive their significance from their relationship to each other ’ ( 1978 : 128 ) .
27 The language of the novel makes use of this cliché to demonstrate first that there is a profound ambiguity in the social construction of femininity according to which women are passive but at the same time subversive of the binary distinction which so construes them , and second that all people , male and female , are condemned to being at least partially the product of the language of others .
28 Their view of women as solutions to the Hobbesian problem of order repeated values dominant in America in the early years of this century , according to which oppression by sex , colour or class could be justified in a laissezfaire , utilitarian philosophy of human relationships .
29 Newton replaced Galileo 's law of circular inertia with his own law of linear inertia , according to which bodies continue to move in straight lines at uniform speed unless acted on by a force .
30 The second method will be based on a model according to which thinking , clarifying meaning , and writing are closely interwoven , so that meanings can be clarified during the course of writing and re-drafting .
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