Example sentences of "amount of [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Once I had established a tub full of white worm , every plant pot in the house was seeded with a small amount of worm and these are occasionally fed with a piece of moist bread .
2 Well I think what we 'll do is one day we 'll weigh the amount of spaghetti and then we 'll know exactly how much to put in next time wo n't we ?
3 As well as the mixed delights of the Glasgow Fair and a wee burst of the cholera mixed in with bread riots , the 1850s saw giant strides in the techniques of battleship-building , and the amount of noise that could be generated in the interests of progress .
4 BRITISH AEROSPACE believes that by taking decisions out of the hands of the pilot it can reduce the amount of noise that an aircraft makes .
5 It ca n't bother her Bev because the amount of noise that we get through the walls is so bad and she 's in it , she 's actually there with the animals barking , so she takes no notice whatsoever of them
6 A pub is a perfectly obvious building to detect on viewing the house and even the most refined drinking place or restaurant is going to subject the surrounding properties to a certain amount of noise as people come and go , as is a large supermarket or a village hall .
7 The conditions described in ( 3 ) are sometimes fairly easy to control ( for example , the amount of noise and environmental temperature ) , but there are other conditions ( traffic density or natural lighting , for example ) where this can be more difficult or impossible .
8 She was consoled , too , to have them in her house where they made an uncommon amount of noise and were certainly not easy guests but their beaming countenances and determination to look on the bright side of everything lightened the atmosphere immensely .
9 Some of it 's quite funny , Keifer Sutherland and Lou Diamond Phillips are good but the film as a whole seems to wander round making a rather large amount of noise and not doing anything all that interesting .
10 Some of it 's quite funny , Keifer Sutherland and Lou Diamond Phillips are good but the film as a whole seems to wander round making a rather large amount of noise and not doing anything all that interesting .
11 Even the very limited amount of competition and market liberalisation proposed in the Electricity and Gas Directives has been too much for the German ( highly inefficient ) coal-mining interests to swallow .
12 really painless was n't it , considering the amount of software that was loaded .
13 I want to progress to a 386 or 486 chip to enable me to take full advantage of Windows 3.1 and DOS 5 and of the increasing amount of software that requires this minimum .
14 Their argument was that a male 's potential quality as a parent might be important because , in many species of Old World monkeys , males form strong protective relationships with females and their young , which are crucial in reducing the amount of harassment and competition the young suffer from other members of the group .
15 AN ATMOSPHERE of excitement mingled with a fair amount of caution and some controversy has taken over CERN , Europe 's centre near Geneva for research into subatomic particles .
16 It 's not the amount of faith that we can muster .
17 Putting slurry underground reduces run-off and lowers the amount of smell and ammonia evaporation .
18 This event only lasted two days , but the amount of coinage and artefacts lost during that period would seem to have been enormous .
19 Although the use of electronic media in the business world is increasing , there remains a vast amount of communication that takes place on paper .
20 I mean you ask what it 's like erm being a member of the majority Labour group , being the leader of the City Council , it 's extremely hard work , it 's an enormous responsibility , and on many occasions it 's extremely frustrating because the amount of freedom that the City Council has to decide its policy and decide its spending priorities is reducing all the time .
21 Today there is much public concern about the amount of incest that occurs and is now coming to light .
22 Their larger relatives regard Snotlings with a certain amount of affection and treat them as wayward and rather mischievous pets .
23 While prosecuted crime may be largely working class , whether crime as a wider category is so is rather debatable , given that a large amount of middle and upper-class criminality goes undetected .
24 This arrangement requires a certain amount of restraint and co-operation on the part of the dominant males , but it clearly has compensatory advantages .
25 There 's a certain amount of history because the moon is if if the earth is spinning round the moon is going round the water that the moon is attracting will be rushing to catch up a little bit .
26 erm We 've got to be very careful about the word ‘ useful ’ , because in my experience it 's perfectly possible for people to know an enormous amount of history and to make terrible mistakes .
27 There is a certain amount of choice and
28 When you start to put your army together you 'll be confronted with a bewildering amount of choice because there are so many kinds of troops .
29 One of the most obvious places to start looking for the existence or not of inequality between different social groups is the amount of income that people earn , since money is so important in our society .
30 Training 's the first thing that goes , in a recession , that 's the first thing that people cut , and not only , well we are achieving the fixed amount of income that we 're obliged to in order to make previous reductions , but we 're certainly not covering costs .
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