Example sentences of "scheme which would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , there is the blueprint for EMU laid down in stages two and three of the Delors report , a far more ambitious scheme which would mean a European central bank , a single currency , a framework for budgetary policy and , in effect , pave the way for political union .
2 Coordinating social work amongst Nonconformist churches , stopping overlapping , as in Paton 's 1891 circular , and providing a national forum for debate and possible agreement remained goals , but the real inspiration was the desire to build an extra-denominational basis for a grand scheme which would unite English Nonconformity into one body .
3 It was the task of the Uthwatt Committee , from whose report this quotation is taken , to devise a scheme which would make such a basis possible . ’
4 Chairman Bill Dixon ( Lab ) , said he was delighted to be involved in a scheme which would help ease the town 's critical housing shortage .
5 In the face of a scheme which would have lost much of the old hospital , a local group determined to fight to save all the buildings and contacted SAVE for advice .
6 It was essentially a scheme which would have entailed the coordination of foreign and defence policies outside the Treaty of Rome .
7 The pope also probably intended the introduction of a taxation scheme which would have involved contributions from all cathedral chapters and major religious houses .
8 The whole br reason for bringing the scheme forward in the programme was associated with the waste management plant and it was n't er er a scheme which would have achieved that priority in its own right .
9 Then he argued against a scheme which would allow him to vote on matters like health , education , and local government in Wessex , but not in his own constituency of West Lothian .
10 Pynchon 's characters are constantly driven by the impulse to locate themselves within larger schemes which would authenticate their own experience , but waver between the appalling extremes of total randomness ( where no pattern is discernible ) and paranoia ( where everything is subsumed into pattern ) .
11 In an oblique reference to the Oxleas Wood scheme [ see ED 68 ] , they asked the government to think again about any road schemes which would destroy ancient woodland .
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