Example sentences of "relationship of [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 He invited the Committee to Pay particular attention to the role of the party group in decision-taking , problems that could arise from councillors ' conflicts of interest , the merits of full-time councillors , and the relationships of officers to councillors and political groups ( Widdicombe 1986:17 ) .
2 The relationships of women to the health-care system and to the criminal law are dealt with in chapters 9 and 11 respectively .
3 In trying to limit the domain of the sociology of knowledge , to keep it from intruding into philosophy and from making unjustifiable empirical claims , Hinshaw 's review suggests that its real concern is with pragmatics , ‘ the relationships of signs to their users ’ ( Hinshaw 1973 : 237 ) .
4 While Mannheim 's programme is concerned with the relationships of signs to their users it is however based on the idea that the cognitive , because of its presuppositions , is rooted in the evocative .
5 The enclosing box coordinates of each part , specifying their geometric domains , are held as high priority data in both the drawing file and specific sub.assembly files , allowing the geometric relationships of parts to be readily checked .
6 The Speaker 's Commission gave weight to the need to have ‘ an agreed framework of rules governing the relationships of individuals to the state and to one another . '
7 There are many contradictions therefore in the relationship of women to housing , and in the demands that we might want to make .
8 Despite this relationship of women to the home , they have little control over the nature of their housing .
9 Arguments are put forward to show their importance to an understanding of the relationship of women to the home , and to suggest that they have had a significant influence on British architecture .
10 and erm particularly in relationship of course to your erm your advertising .
11 In this sense writing is not necessarily ‘ better ’ or ‘ worse ’ than speech , it simply involves further variations in the relationship of structure to meaning .
12 The relationship of predictability to determinism will be discussed in Chapter 24 ; in particular reasons for the above assertions will be given in Section 24.6 .
13 The equation of balancing artistic integrity with commercial considerations is further influenced by the relationship of artist to patron and public .
14 This role , and the relationship of CMHTs to area teams , was controversial inside the social services department as well as within the health service .
15 The discussion in this section has moved from the consideration of the composition of Parliament , and the nature of the relationship of government to Parliament , to a more detailed account of the agencies concerned with policy making .
16 Cambridge and Knapp make very clear the relationship of consumerism to community care :
17 The description continues , but the essential point emerges of the close relationship of man to locality on which the Saxon economy and social order was based .
18 Yet despite this he is created in a relationship of accountability to God and the sphere of his accountability includes the economic .
19 Recent studies which used long term recording of colonic motility with a colonoscopically positioned manometric probe , and simultaneous measurement of transit through intraleuminally instilled radiolabelled compounds have provided more detailed information on the relationship of motility to mass movements : ( 1 ) high amplitude propagated contractions ( pressure waves greater than 50 mmHg which are propagated more than 10 cm ) occur infrequently in normal subjects , averaging six per 24 hours .
20 The relationship of settlements to cemeteries can be considered using the results of large-scale excavations as a control , and the actual distances between such features may act as a guide even when a relationship can not be directly inferred .
21 We have already discussed the relationship of officers to party groups and the new statutory powers given to three senior officers , but there remains the controversial issue of limiting the political activities of officers .
22 Leaf assimilation should have increased substantially at the higher c i that accompanied increasing [ CO 2 ] , unless photosynthetic capacity ( the relationship of A to c i ) declined .
23 The positive linear relationship of A to c i at subambient [ CO 2 ] that is typical of C3 species did not differ between oat plants grown at extremes of the [ CO 2 ] gradient .
24 But his principal concern is to affirm that the relationship of A to B is only in a minority of cases an exact repetition , or a saying of the same thing in different words .
25 A relationship of licensee to licenser has now been replaced by technical cooperation between partners : Westinghouse ; and the CEA , EDF. and Framatome .
26 The villagers still preferred this relationship of obligation to independence .
27 The facility to obtain images in the sagittal plane also enables the relationship of tumours to the fourth ventricle to be readily seen .
28 The excellent soft tissue resolution and multiplanar capability of MRI are of particular value in imaging the pituitary fossa , where the relationship of tumours to the optic chiasm and other important surrounding structures can be shown .
29 By far the largest part of the difference is explained by the relationship of farmers to their bankers .
30 This points to the importance of the relationship of education to the articulation between social and occupational career paths and to specific labour market structures such as Internal Labour Markets .
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