Example sentences of "apply to [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , it is extremely useful to have universities , polys and colleges compared on an equal basis , particularly as in these days of cutbacks many , who in earlier years could have relied on a university place , may have to hedge their bets by applying to polys too .
2 The RAWP Report proposed that the ‘ … same principles … should … be applied to allocations below Regional level ’ ( DHSS , 1976 ) .
3 The grants applied to houses both for letting and selling , and the local authorities were empowered also to give help to private builders .
4 It might also at some point be applied to companies generally .
5 The last two components of the model are classical Malthusian approaches , applied to cohorts rather than to whole populations .
6 When applied to women universally this becomes a stereotype , overgeneralised and just a step away from the sexist argument that women are ‘ naturally ’ caring .
7 This obviates the need for rubidium rich minerals ( such as micas and feldspars ) and can be applied to deposits hitherto undated .
8 If the lunar curves in Figure 6.9 can roughly be applied to Mercury then crater erasure took place before about 4000 Ma ago , and most of the present craters , which may also have given rise to the smooth plains , were in place by about 3000 Ma ago , and little has happened on the Mercurian surface since except for the effects of tidal slow-down and interior shrinkage .
9 He 'd have applied to RADA only he could n't remember what you called it .
10 That the similar material produced under Æthelred may reflect badly , rather than well , upon his administration is a conclusion that could be applied to Cnut too .
11 These facts will be irrelevant if no unit larger than the grapheme is used to read aloud , because a standard rule ea — ‘ ee ’ will be applied to ea regardless of what other graphemes exist in the non-word .
12 Applied to religion here are two statements which can be received in totally different ways according to the context .
13 THE unquestioning awe with which the West once gazed on Japanese financial markets has gone : the natural laws which apply in New York and London have finally been seen to apply to Tokyo too .
14 The new concession will apply to buses only .
15 The concession will not therefore normally apply to rights already granted under an approved employee share scheme .
16 I am given to understand that this will apply to Scotland also .
17 Adoption of Resolution 7 will authorise the directors to make the necessary changes which will also apply to options already granted and still outstanding .
18 In conclusion , I feel that the basic things which happen to the boys on the island would apply to girls also but would come about in a way both more slow and less physically violent , yet I have an idea that the scars left on the minds of girls who have been on an island together in Lord of the Flies circumstances may well be deeper and longer-lasting than those of boys in the same situation .
19 After 1997 , subject to certain registration restrictions , all this would apply to flights within , as well as to those between , countries .
20 Because the procedure can not apply to development already started and it is generally as quick to apply for actual permission if the planning authority 's officer advises that it is necessary , this does not get as much use as might be expected .
21 Non-entitlement under the green form scheme will apply to patients even when they are entitled to representation under the new assistance by way of representation scheme , albeit on a contributory basis .
22 Jupiter 's principle of expansion will apply to partnerships so that you can add to the relationship in some way or you will find your self-esteem rocketing because you are adored .
23 The promise of air defence will apply to peacekeepers only , not to the Muslims they are there to protect .
24 Ps. philander and Ps. multicolor are easy to keep and there is every reason to assume that this would apply to nichollsi too .
25 In fact , I perceived once again , as I have repeatedly done since , that young people — and this applies to girls just as much as to boys — need , almost to the point of desperation , writers , inevitably older , who speak to their generation and in their language , or at least in language which , once they hear it , they perceive to be theirs .
26 If he ( and of course this applies to girls too ) is the oldest child in the family , he will have had the opportunity to be the centre of attention for some time .
27 This is not a description that applies to WordStar alone — most of the Windows based word processors aspire to this kind of characterization , but WordStar as a company has paid a great deal of attention to the graphics side of the equation , and this includes fiddling with text to get the most impact from it .
28 If curve A in Figure 6.9 applies to Mercury then the erasure of craters must have occurred throughout a fairly extended period during the final stages of formation .
29 The existing relief applies to exchanges both before and after the first deemed disposal .
30 ‘ Top-slicing ’ applies to payments over £30,000 .
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