Example sentences of "lie in [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The new " aspect lies in entering the information at the microcomputer keyboard , having specified the number of fields , field names and position of fields in each record according to the design decisions reached earlier .
2 The boldness of this interpretation lies in allowing the validity of the trust even though it had not been addressed to the daughter and had not been intended to be paid by her .
3 The key to freeing the body to regain its lost dignity lies in inhibiting the unconscious habit of muscle tension ; only then may we perform actions in such a way that they become as much a joy to carry out as they are to watch .
4 It may well be that as , perhaps , in the teaching of reading , so in the teaching of writing , the real art lies in discerning the approach that best suits the individual writer for a particular type of compositional task .
5 As Holly puts it : " One of the skills required by the resources approach , in fact , lies in achieving a nice balance between independent working , group discussion and direct exposition by the teacher . "
6 Yet the interest lies in seeing the distinction between direct and precatory words being used as a test .
7 For these methods , used to regulate consumption on the basis of a drop in the economic power of the town relative to the village , will be quite inappropriate to a state of affairs whose basis lies in developing the productive forces …
8 The problem lies in sustaining the speech , for Mercutio is a hearty and boisterous character , seemingly at odds with the mischief and delicacy of this speech .
9 The answer lies in drawing a distinction between Israel and its present government .
10 The difficulty lies in heating the fuel to temperatures of about 100 million degrees centigrade and in containing any substance heated to such a temperature .
11 The art of search lies in choosing a short sequence of operators which will lead the search to a goal quickly .
12 Half the art of search lies in choosing a language which suffices to describe the task and an adequate solution but very little more .
13 The skill lies in choosing the right production company and working harmoniously with them .
14 On the contrary , I must know how things look to me : my only error lies in choosing the wrong words to describe it .
15 The key to clever search lies in choosing the most likely state in OPEN .
16 In Kennedy v. Broun ( 1863 ) 13 C.B. 677 ( Common Pleas ) Erle C.J. said that in Lampleigh v. Brathwait , ‘ it was assumed that the journeys which the plaintiff performed at the request of the defendant , and the other services he rendered , would have been sufficient to make any promise binding if it had been connected therewith in one contract ; the peculiarity of the decision lies in connecting a subsequent promise with a prior consideration after it had been executed .
17 Access to the innards of the machine is reasonably good ; the only problem lies in reaching the RAM upgrade slots , which are obstructed by the wires going from the hard drive to the ISA board .
18 The difficulty lies in providing an adequate theoretical framework to analyse the incidence of taxation under imperfect competition and in the presence of disequilibrium .
19 Metal is easily corroded , but the skill lies in producing an attractive colour which is even in tone and texture .
20 So it 's erm I suppose part of the humour lies in taking the metaphorical to the literal is n't it .
21 The real danger lies in dividing the protagonists into ‘ goodies ’ and ‘ baddies ’ and insisting that battle be joined between the forces of light ( liberals like Mr Torode ) and the forces of darkness ( fundamentalists like Shabir Akhtar ) .
22 Turning to feminist analyses , their strength lies in exposing the effects of gender relations and ideologies on women as producers and consumers of health care .
23 I believe it often lies in changing the way government works ; in making it respond to you .
24 If you decide ( as you might ) that part of the answer lies in changing the system within which the staff are working , then you should outline what changes you propose to make and how you would introduce them to staff , both present and future .
25 It agrees that companies should be publicly accountable in return for the privilege of limited liability , it says , but that accountability lies in filing the accounts , rather than their audit .
26 Some experts argue that the solution lies in exploiting the country 's aquifers , which they claim are as yet largely untapped , and which contain sufficient water to supply the major cities .
27 The temptation for teachers to cut off at this point and move on to something easier and less controversial is great , but the real value of RE lies in following the development through .
28 Although this precise reasoning is of doubtful relevance today , it contains the seeds of an argument to the effect that the public interest lies in having a society with fit and healthy citizens .
29 Much of the deterrent value of the installation lies in having a box on the wall outside the house , but for the rest it is a matter of personal inclination .
30 Uniqueness lies in having the Queen as sovereign . ’
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