Example sentences of "lie in [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The national interest lies in all the nation 's resources being put to the most advantageous use possible .
2 I wanted as far as possible to forearm the boy at the beginning of adolescence — not ramming a weapon into his hand willy-nilly , but showing him the size and shape of it and where it lies in such a way that he would take it up without realizing he was doing so and find himself using it when he needed to .
3 Those of us who believe that our future and national interest lie in such a course do not do so in a spirit of emotional faith or constitutional adventurism ; rather , we take a hard-headed view of where our economic interests lie and where the money will come from in the years ahead .
4 The Court of Appeal held that no appeal lay in such a case .
5 He does all the brooding , leaving the female free to mate and lay in all the other nests within her territory .
6 The single-cell layer of the wall will lie in such a way that it is in contact with the mother 's blood supply , burrowing into the capillaries ( thread-like blood vessels ) to obtain nutrition via the mother 's blood — only the first few days ' nutrition comes from within the blastocyst itself .
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