Example sentences of "easy for you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Because arriving with me will make it easier for you to leave with me ? ’
2 When you speak to someone on the telephone it is easier for you to represent your company or organization .
3 It is considered that something in the region of 40g daily should be quite sufficient to protect your health in all the ways which have been described , and to make it much easier for you to control your weight in the future .
4 I think you have something definite to say — and I hope I have made it easier for you to say it . ’
5 which make it easier for you to stop and a lot of people do n't have the choice to stop , if you look at it in that sense .
6 She says : So that made it easier for you to carry on then .
7 ‘ I thought I 'd make it easier for you to suck me off . ’
8 If he has not done much gardening before , you can work together , so that you can enjoy sharing the tasks , and it is easier for you to assess when the patient has had enough .
9 And I honestly think that if you are going to give me that much , it 's probably easier for you to do it once a month . ’
10 The so the equations they give you your ability to handle equations means really it would be easier for you to do it without a graph , half the time .
11 You have blue bits and you have yellow bits and it 's going to be much easier for you to put them together one on top of the other so you have a blue and yellow syllabus .
12 So it but it was easier for you to go home if you wanted to I suppose .
13 But suddenly , the major preoccupation of the cosmetic industry is to come up with original ways of making it easier for you to choose and use the right products .
14 Where it 's easier for you to walk .
15 ‘ We 'll go and watch what I 've just explained on machine , which should make it easier for you to understand .
16 Since you are agreeing to make regular payments over a number of years , it is probably easier for you to pay by Banker 's Order or Direct Debit Mandate when the payments will automatically be made from your bank account .
17 It 's easier for you to experiment to see how it works than for me to go in for a detailed but boring explanation .
18 You can turn day into night and night into day-this would make it much easier for you to study their feeding habits .
19 If you have any infection , your immune system wo n't be working as well and it will be easier for you to get other infections including HIV .
20 It is very easy for you to decide to be magnanimous .
21 It would have been easy for you to lose five pounds ’ worth of lead as you saddled up .
22 Once you 've done it once it actually relatively easy for you to improve it an an and getting it better in the next iteration , erm that is exactly the situation you 've got here .
23 ‘ Quite easy for you to remember , you know .
24 Easy for you to say , father .
25 ‘ That 's easy for you to say . ’
26 I understand that the electronic intarsia carriage selects the needles for only one colour at a time to the intarsia position , making it easy for you to lay in the appropriate colour .
27 ‘ If I may speak in a spirit of complaint , David , I might point out that it 's easy for you to talk and even easier to talk tough .
28 It 's not always easy for you to talk your problems through , but if there 's something bothering you , it might be a good idea to open up to someone who can help .
29 Did that make it easy for you to talk to him ?
30 Easy for you to talk , big boy .
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